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Soobin returned to his hotel room, carrying bags filled with delicious Chinese takeout, enough to satisfy both himself and Yeonjun. As he stepped into his hotel room, he was greeted by a dense cloud of steam that enveloped the entire space. The windows were completely fogged up, almost blocking the view of outside, and a pleasant scent of vanilla shampoo filled the air, adding to the mystifying atmosphere. Confused, Soobin couldn't fathom what could have caused this unusual scenario until his eyes fell upon his bathroom door, which was wide open, revealing the source of the steam.

“Yeonjun? Is that you in there?” Soobin asked cautiously.

No one answered.

Soobin sat down his box of Chinese takeout on the counter before walking slowly towards the bathroom. He remained fixated on the thick, warm steam that was spilling in the air, refusing to divert his gaze even for a moment.

Without wasting any time, Soobin swiftly positioned himself in front of the bathroom door, only to be taken aback by the sight that unfolded before his eyes. Yeonjun stood under the running water in the shower, completely naked.

“I- I am so sorry.” Holy crap?!

In an instant, Soobin shielded his eyes with his hands and ran, planting himself on the couch in the hotel room. His body was positioned away from the bathroom door.  He averted his gaze, refusing to even entertain the idea of glancing back.

The sight of Yeonjun being completely naked left Soobin in a state of shock. His heart started racing uncontrollably, causing him to feel on the verge of fainting. Even though he covered his eyes, the intense blush on his cheeks made him remember the image of Yeonjun’s body. Soobin instantly slapped himself.

At that moment, a pair of wet hands slid down from Soobin's shoulders, gliding to his chest. The feeling of someone's breath gently caressed Soobin’s cheek, and there was a subtle and delicate peck.

Soobin immediately reacted and jumped up from the couch, startled by the sudden kiss. Sensing the need to create distance, he instinctively took a step back while Yeonjun confidently stepped towards him.

“What…are you doing?” Soobin muttered.

However, Soobin soon realized that he had reached the limits and stumbled backward, landing on the soft hotel bed. Paralyzed by the sight of Yeonjun's glistening and naked form coming closer, Soobin found himself trapped, unable to break free of this spell Yeonjun put on him.

Yeonjun stood face-to-face with Soobin, his actions filled with tenderness and affection. He gently reached out and caressed Soobin's hair, tracing his fingers along the strands with utmost care.

He then slipped his fingertips against Soobin's ear, feeling the warmth and texture beneath his touch.

Yeonjun proceeded to stroke Soobin's cheek, reveling in the softness of his skin.

Finally, Yeonjun’s hand found its way to Soobin's lips, delicately feeling over them, showing an unspoken longing and desire.

Just as Soobin was about to speak, Yeonjun forcefully pushed him onto the bed, climbing on top of him. Yeonjun sensually pressed his body against Soobin's, his voice dripping with seduction as he whispered into his ear, “Wake up.”

Soobin's body instantly ignited with an overwhelming desire, leaving him feeling uncontrollably aroused.

Yeonjun proceeded to lock his lips with Soobin, their kisses growing intense and deeply passionate.

Their mouths became drenched in spit as their tongues engaged in a fervent battle for control. Soobin's desire consumed him completely, causing him to boldly explore Yeonjun's exposed chest, his hands eagerly caressing every inch of his naked body.

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