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Several weeks have gone by, and Soobin continues to treat Yeonjun with extreme rudeness. Over the course of these past few weeks, Soobin has been constantly yelling at Yeonjun and making him run up and down the stairs whenever he disapproves of something.

However, the most unbearable aspect of Soobin's behavior is his insistence on forcing Yeonjun to constantly pick up after his girlfriend, collecting her belongings and disposing of her leftovers.

"Gosh, I don't wanna do this anymore, Taehyun." Yeonjun sighs as he's exhausted.

"What do you mean? Don't you love working with us?" Taehyun questioned Yeonjun.

"I-i do, it's just that im tired of Soobin!" Yeonjun says, "I w-want to quit." He says, making Taehyun eyes go wide open.

Taehyun slowly speaks, "A-are you sure you want to?" Yeonjun nods.
"I'm sure, hyun."

"I'll tell him tomorrow. He most likely won't care, but whatever." Yeonjun sighs sadly.

Next day

Yeonjun arrived at work, putting on a facade of normalcy, as if he was oblivious to any events that transpired. However, deep down, he couldn't shake off the feeling that today was his final day of working. In particular, Taehyun harbored a sense of reluctance towards Yeonjun's departure.

Taehyun genuinely enjoyed working with Yeonjun and didn't want to see him leave. Although Beomgyu and Hueningkai were also there with him, they worked in a separate section of the building, making their connection slightly distant.

Throughout the course of the day, Taehyun's demeanor grew increasingly melancholic. Soobin couldn't help but observe the expression on his face, pondering what might be troubling him. But he brushed it off.

When Soobin stepped into his office, he was taken aback to find Layla and Yeonjun together. However, before he could fully comprehend the situation, Layla exploded in anger and slapped Yeonjun. Unfortunately, Soobin had arrived just a moment too late and missed witnessing the heated confrontation. As both Layla and Yeonjun turned to see who had entered the room, Layla's emotions overwhelmed her, and tears began streaming down her face.

"Soobin! Yeonjun, hit me!" She cries as Yeonjun looks at her confused.

"Bitch what are you talking about? You slapped me?" Yeonjun says, making Soobim get mad.

"Yeonjun! What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Soobin screams.

"W-what are you talking about, Soobin! She slapped me-" SLAP!

Soobin witnessed the force with which he had struck Yeonjun, causing his head to abruptly turn from the impact. Overwhelmed with guilt and shock, Soobin found himself unable to speak, his throat suddenly parched, rendering him speechless.

"I-I Y-Yeonju-" Soobin's voice caught in his throat and his words quivered as he witnessed Yeonjun slowly turning his gaze towards him. The sight of tears welling up in Yeonjun's eyes further intensified Soobin's emotions.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Soobin? I didn't even do anything wrong!" Yeonjun yelled, Soobin never heard him yell like this ever.

"H-hyung i-im-" Soobin tried to speak but Yeonjun stopped him.

"Don't call me hyung! Fuck you, I hate you!" Yeonjun says as Soobin is just quiet. "Also I'm done, I'm quitting. Don't try to find me or don't go to my apartment either. I'm done with you."

Yeonjun's declaration of quitting caught Soobin off guard, causing him to immediately lift his head in disbelief. The idea that Yeonjun could be lying lingered in his mind, as he desperately hoped that this statement was just a fabrication. Soobin couldn't help but question the truth behind Yeonjun's words, desperately trying to convince himself that it must be a falsehood.

"W-what are you talking about? Your not quitting right?" Soobin hesitate said.

"Oh wow Soobin now you act like you care? Leave me alone, I'm tired of you treating me so bad. Yes I am or was your assistant but you could've been at least a little nice to me." Yeonjun says as tears continue to fall down from his eyes.

"I actually cared for you Soobin. I-i loved you. But I'm so stupid to ever think that you would like me back." Yeonjun says as he walks away and opens the door to leave.

As Yeonjun departed, Soobin stood frozen, unable to utter a single word. The weight of Yeonjun's confession echoed relentlessly in his mind, each syllable of "I loved you" reverberating through his every thought.

"Soobin, he slapped m-" before Layla could finish Soobin broke down crying.

"Fuck! I messed up so bad! Yeonjun hyung please come back I need you!" Soobin yells as he crys making Taehyun hear from his office.

In a frenzied state, Taehyun hurriedly made his way to Soobin's office only to be greeted by a scene of utter chaos. Layla stood there, her hands clutching her face in shock, while Soobin sat on the floor, tears streaming down his face as he pleaded desperately for Yeonjun to return. The disarray in the room was a reflection of the turmoil and heartbreak that filled the air.

"Hyung! What's wrong! Where's Yeonjun?" Taehyun says as he quickly hugs and comforts Soobin but is only answered by cries.

"Taehyun, I messed up. He says he never wants to see me again." Soobin continued to cry in Hyuns arms.

"I-I didn't know he loved me back!" Soobin says, making Taehyun confused.

"W-what do you mean?" Taehyun asked.


"BRO SHUT THE FUCK UP! I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU! GET OUT!" Soobin screams causing Layla took quickly get out.

"Um anyways what do you mean?" Taehyun tilt his head as Soobin slowly broke the hug.

"I love Yeonjun, Taehyun!" Soobin screams as Taehyuns covers his mouth.

"You know why I've been rude to Yeonjun lately? It was because I kissed him." Soobin says as Taehyun is trying to process what's happening at this moment.

"When I went to Paris with him we fell asleep together. However when I woke up I saw him there just sleeping so beautifully. He looked so angelic and his hair was messed up but still so pretty. How his lips looked so soft." Soobin slowly stop as he just realized what he had said.

He cleared his throat, "But anyways I wanted to kiss him so bad so I did. And wants I did it was the best thing ever but I realized it and I panic and left." Soobin sighs, "if only I wasn't so stupid and dumb, I was to scared to be gay that's why I dated Layla."

"Soobin I'm not stupid I know there's more! What did you do to make Yeonjun leave?" Taehyun ask as he rolled his eyes.

"I-i slapped him." Soobin hesitantly said.

Taehyun sighed, "Why would you do that?"

"Because! He slapped Layla!"

"Are you stupid! You slapped the person you loved the most! And Layla is such a liar, Yeonjun wouldn't even harm a fly!" Taehyun yelled, "Sometimes I feel older then you."

"What do I do I want him back with me. You don't know how hard it was to act like I hated him." Soobin sighed.

"You go talk to him duh." Taehyun rolled his eyes. "But he wants nothing to do with me." Soobin whines.

"Just give him space for a few days hyung and then talk to him okay?" Soobin just nodded.

Soobin was fully aware that this task was going to be incredibly difficult for him. He felt an intense need to have some form of interaction with Yeonjun every single day, whether it be through seeing him in person or simply engaging in a brief conversation where he might ask for a favor, such as requesting him to fetch something or requesting his assistance in carrying out a task.

This longing to have even the smallest of interactions with Yeonjun was consuming Soobin's thoughts and emotions.

This was a sad chapter.

But stream chasing that feeling!


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