The "Date"

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After Soobin and Yeonjun finished their ride in the Uber, they finally arrived at their destination. As they stepped out of the car, Soobin couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, thoroughly amused by Yeonjun's evident excitement.

"I'm so excited, Soobin! Let's go eat!" Yeonjun says as he runs.

"Wait up, Yeonjun." Soobin says as he catches up.

Upon reaching the Eiffel Tower, Yeonjun's spirits dampened when he caught sight of the extensive queue outside the restaurant. He couldn't help but feel disheartened by the seemingly never-ending line.

"Aw, the lines to long Soobin this would take forever! Let's just go find a different place." He says as he whines, going to leave but stops as Soobin grabs his wrist. "Yeonjun, we are going to eat here. We don't need to wait, remember I'm a CEO?" Yeonjun looks back excited again, "ohhhh I forgot about that. Well, okay, then let's go!"

Once Soobin had finished conversing with the manager, he and Yeonjun found themselves settling down in their seats. As they got comfortable, a waiter approached their table, ready to jot down their orders.

"Aww, you guys are such a cute couple. Mr.Choi, I didn't know you had a boyfriend." This made both the males blush as the waiter said that.

"H-hes, not my boyfriend, he's my assistant, nothing more," Soobin said, saying this made Yeonjun feel down a bit as he was thinking, what if Soobin was his boyfriend.

Once they had placed their order, Soobin and Yeonjun found their seats and settled in, eagerly anticipating the arrival of their food. Soobin couldn't help but notice Yeonjun's demeanor, as he appeared a bit melancholic, fixated on something below him and nervously fidgeting with his fingers, emanating a sense of dissatisfaction while wearing a slight pout on his face.

"Yeonjun, are you okay?" Soobin asks nervously.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay." Yeonjun says as he looks back at the older.

"Okay, here is the food." The waiter says as she places it down.

While indulging in their meal, Yeonjun couldn't help but express his delight with a satisfying sound, acknowledging just how delicious the food tasted. As he savored each bite, a thought crossed his mind - he should share this with Soobin.

"Soobin." The younger looks up at him, "Try this. it's so good." He says as he takes his fork and puts it up towards the younger.

The mere action of Yeonjun doing this caused Soobin to feel a surge of panic, as the thought of Yeonjun taking care of him by feeding him flashed through his mind.

"Uh... yeah, okay." Soobin says as he grabs the fork from Yeonjun and places it in his mouth. "It's good, right?" Yeonjun asked while Soobin just nodded.

After Yeonjun finished his meal, he couldn't help but feel a wave of exhaustion wash over him. As his eyelids grew heavy, an uncontrollable yawn escaped his lips, causing his crop top to ride up slightly, inadvertently revealing his well-defined abs. The sight of Yeonjun's chiseled physique instantly captivated Soobin's attention, leaving him unable to tear his gaze away.

However, in the midst of this mesmerizing moment, the unexpected image flashed across Soobin's mind - the mental picture of Yeonjun in a state of complete nudity. Taken aback, Soobin gasped in surprise, immediately bringing his hand up to cover his mouth in sheer disbelief. 'Oh gosh, Soobin, that dream needs to get out of your head.' He mentally scolded himself.

"Uh, you good?" Soobin looked back up at Yeonjun making eye contact until his eyes slowly started going down to his lips.

"W-what? O-oh yeah, I'm good." Soobin says

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