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As the morning rays of the sun gently caressed Soobin's face, he gradually stirred from his slumber, only to realize that he was still embraced in the warmth of Yeonjun's arms, who was peacefully lost in the realm of dreams. Unable to resist the allure of his sleeping companion, Soobin's gaze fixated upon Yeonjun, marveling at the tousled yet mesmerizing beauty of his disheveled hair.

His face, serene and angelic, seemed to radiate an ethereal glow, captivating Soobin's heart in that tender moment. And as his eyes descended to Yeonjun's plump, irresistibly soft lips, a wave of affection washed over Soobin, leaving him breathless with admiration.

As Soobin's gaze remained fixated on Yeonjun's lips, his thoughts began to drift into the realm of his most vivid and tantalizing wet dream. In this fantasy, he could vividly recall the passionate make-out session they shared, each kiss igniting a fire within him that burned with an intensity he had never experienced before.

The memory of their lips melding together in perfect harmony consumed his mind, leaving him yearning for the day when he could experience such blissful connection in the tangible realm of reality, rather than confined to the fleeting realm of dreams.

Soobin couldn't help but ponder the incomparable sensation that awaited him, the electrifying touch of their lips uniting once more, their shared breaths mingling in a symphony of desire. The mere thought of it sent shivers of anticipation down his spine, his heart pounding with the sheer longing to taste the sweetness of Yeonjun's lips once more.

Gradually, Soobin found himself inching closer and closer to Yeonjun, a growing desire to kiss him, consuming his thoughts. The anticipation was overwhelming as Soobin finally pressed his lips against Yeonjun's, and in that moment, a surge of electricity coursed through his body. It was a sensation he couldn't quite put into words, leaving him unsure of how to process the flood of emotions that washed over him.

But one thing was certain - Yeonjun's lips were incredibly soft, an unexpected revelation that only intensified Soobin's longing. As he continued to kiss Yeonjun, the latter remained motionless, lost in the depths of sleep. Soobin couldn't help but wonder how it would feel if Yeonjun's lips were moving in sync with his own, the thought provoking a wave of curiosity and yearning.

However, it didn't take long for Soobin's rationality to kick in, realizing the potential consequences of his actions, causing him to abruptly halt. "Oh my god! What have I just done?!" Soobin whispered as he panicked and ran out of the bedroom.

When Soobin exited the room, Yeonjun's eyes fluttered open, instantly scanning his surroundings. However, to his surprise, Soobin was nowhere to be found. As he tried to shake off the remnants of his sleep, Yeonjun couldn't help but dwell on the strange dream he had just experienced - a vivid image of Soobin planting a kiss on his lips.

Yet, he couldn't be entirely sure if it was merely a figment of his imagination or an actual dream. The lines between reality and fantasy seemed blurred in that moment, leaving Yeonjun perplexed and lost in his thoughts.

"Was that really a dream? It felt so real?" Yeonjun questioned himself as he got out of bed going to look for the younger.

"Soobin!" Yeonjun called out as he walked to the living room. No response from Soobin. "Hey Soobin, where are you!?" Yeonjun asks even louder, but still no response.

As Yeonjun turned his head towards the door, he couldn't help but notice that a pair of shoes was missing. This unexpected sight left him feeling perplexed and puzzled. However, he quickly dismissed his confusion, attributing it to the possibility that Soobin might have encountered some issues and had gone out to order food.

"Hmm, maybe he just went to order food. I'll wait for him on the couch." Yeonjun said to himself as he sat on the couch waiting for the younger to arrive back.

Ten minutes go by, and Soobin isn't here yet. 'Maybe there is a long line?' Yeonjun thought to himself as he watched TV. Another ten minutes pass, and there is still no sight of Soobin, causing Yeonjun to become increasingly concerned.

Yeonjun's anticipation grew as he patiently waited for Soobin's return, but to his dismay, the hours ticked by, and there was still no sign of his friend. The waiting game had begun early in the morning at 10 am, and now, as the clock struck 2 pm, Yeonjun's anxiety reached new heights. Thoughts raced through his mind, causing his nerves to fray as he pondered the countless possibilities of why Soobin had not yet made it back home.

Yeonjun's ears perked up at the sound of the door creaking open, causing him to swiftly pivot his head towards the source, his curiosity piqued as to who could possibly be entering. As the door swung wide, his eyes locked onto Soobin's figure, flooding him with an overwhelming sense of relief that washed away any lingering worries.

In an instant, Yeonjun's feet propelled him forward, his heart pounding with a mixture of joy and gratitude, as he rushed towards Soobin, enveloping him in a tight embrace that mirrored the intensity of their shared emotions, as if the world itself was teetering on the brink of oblivion.

"Oh my god! Where have you been, Soobin!? I was so worried for you! You were gone for four hours." Yeonjun said as he hugged Soobin tighter. Yeonjun was taken aback when Soobin unexpectedly pushed him, causing him to stumble slightly. Yeonjun was left feeling confused and wondering what had just happened, questioning if he had done something wrong.

"Hmm? Soobin, what's wrong? Did I do something?" Yeonjun asks as he tills his head slightly. There was no response from the younger as he just stared at his phone. "Soobin?" Still silence. The older had enough of it, making him yell Soobin's name. "Soobin!"

"Shut up!" Soobin yelled, making Yeonjun back up and scared. "S-soobin?" Yeonjun hesitantly said.

"Stop calling me Soobin, Yeonjun. Do you have no respect? I never agreed on you being able to call me by my name!" Soobin yelled once again, making Yeonjun gasp. "I-im s-sorry Mr. Choi, i-ill do better n-next time." Yeonjun said while looking down.

"Pack your things, I'm ending this trip." Soobin said as Yeonjun quickly nodded.

Yall probably hate Soobin now......

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