Chapter 28: A Double Ambush Saving.

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Back at the cabin, both the mad scientist, and Ject continued to fire at each other, while hoping one of them would be attacked. Thomas, Cort, and Canta watched while also seeing the scientist have a higher advantage.

"You don't stand a change against me, child," Oswald said, while he pulled out his laser blades again. "You might as well just quit, while you are still in one piece." "I'll do it, the day you get stabbed in another jail cell," Ject explained as he sliced some of the lasers from his granduncle's gauntlets with his own blade that he just pulled out.

"You'll have to face facts, grand-nephew," Oswald said. "I'm never going back to jail, and not you, or your new family can place me back there once my children are finished with them." Just then, Valerie, and Drake jumped out of the trees, and kicked Doctor Electron in the back, causing him to fail to the ground while his helmet, and gauntlets were still undamaged. "We're fine, you lunatic," Valerie said, while getting in front of Ject. "But you won't be once we're done with you."

Just then, the communicator on Doctor Electron's left gauntlet buzzed, causing him to answer it, while he was standing there. "What is it, 27?" Oswald asked. "26 is hurt," 27 answered. "One of the slayers sliced his arm off when he was handling both of them." "I'm on my way," Oswald said, while hanging up. "I'd love to have our little family bonding time right now, little niece, but I have somewhere I should be off to. So enjoy surviving another day for now, because next time we meet you, and your family will perish."

Doctor Electron activated rocket thrusters on his gauntlets, which caused him to fly away from the cabin while he left the battle location he was at. "Thank god you're safe, Evan," Valerie said, while putting up her weapon, and hugging her son to make sure he's safe. "Are your limbs broken from the shockwaves?" "I'm fine, Mom," Ject explained. "I was going to head downtown and help you guys with those vampdroids, but that granduncle stopped me before I could even set foot outside the forest."

"Well, don't worry about them," Drake said. "They had their own family issues to deal with, after we showed them a little thing called Super Blood Dragon strength which is something they couldn't comprehend matching." "Oh, by the way I hate to be the causer of time wasting here, but Uncle Vincent is having trouble in the mountains," Ject explained. "How do you know that?" Valerie asked. "I'll explain when you get back," Ject answered. "Right now we need to save him." "I'm on it," Drake said, and teleported to Vincent's location with vampire speed. Valerie followed, while hoping that his brother would be safe.


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