Epilogue: The New Move Copier.

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Meanwhile back at the warehouse, Dr. Oswald started repairing 26's arm, and made sure to replace all of the broken wires. With the wires replaced, the mad scientist was hoping his vampdroid was functional.

"This is one massive mess that I didn't think would happen," Oswald commented. "Not only did you manage to get your arm broken by that old slayer, but we haven't heard from Leb, or 29 in hours when you all left." "Hey look on the bright side, Pop," 27 said. "You still have us 3 left to guard you from those slayers, and vampire couple."

"Still, without 29, or Leb to lead you, you all are going to be dismantled even with all the blood in your body," Oswald explained as he was pulling out another remote. "You 3 need a leader, so I have decided to unleash my final secret weapon. I have been saving it for so many years that I forgot that it was still locked up in the warehouse we now stand in. Feast your eyes on your youngest brother." Doctor Electron pressed a button, which opened some metal doors.

While the metal doors opened the vampdroids saw a bunch of broken glass, and a glass tube with a hole inside it. "It escaped," Oswald said. "I must've been out of this warehouse for so long, that the thing must've become self aware, and been able to think for itself." "So, it's just an escaped vampdroid," 28 commented. "It's nothing we can handle." "Experiment: 0 is more than just an escaped vampdroid, my child," Oswald explained. "He is more dangerous than any vampire, or vampdroid combined."

"How dangerous can these vampdroid be, Father?" 26 asked. "I created him to copy the moves of some enemy vampires in case I could encounter some such as my niece, and her family," Oswald answered. "Not only can he drain the blood out of vampires, and humans, but other vampdroids as well. I'm afraid we're all in grave danger. As the father of you, and that thing, I shall sacrifice myself, while you escape." "Father, are you sure?" 28 asked. "You don't need me, anymore," Oswald answered. "Just go." The vampdroids nodded, and teleported out of the warehouse, while something above Doctor Electron appeared.



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