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Layontsin continued to roam in the forest, before eventually returning to the home camp of the na'vi.

After a successful hunt and having her fill of raw food, the anthro thanator began to head back to visit the Anurai clan of the na'vi people. She was so used to being solitary for a long time, only to remember that she had somewhere important to be afterwards. Which didn't bother her the least as the clan gave her attention to her other needs and also some sense of relief when there were more na'vi that welcomed her. They also taught her, and reminded her sometimes, which other tribes from outside her territory were either alíes or rivals. On top of that, they gave her some vestment and a weapon that gave her a sense of wholeness.

It also gave her another sense, of satisfaction other than that when she struck down her prey and ate, which satisfied her regular hunger. If it weren't for the na'vi tribe that honored her thanator species and took her in, she didn't know what she would have become. That's why her visits to the clan were driven by her sense of gratitude. And also her innate sense of curiosity to learn new things.

In each na'vi clan, various things and ways of life were taught that identified each clan from one another. The weapons, decorations, dressing, symbols, painting, foods, and animals revered were what made each of them unique. And Layontsin was happy to have been found and bonded with the clan that respected her. In return, she had sworn to protect them from the dangers of the forest, like thanators that weren't bonded with the clan, other clans that wished to do harm, and skypeople that wandered too close.

Now, nearing the camp of the Anurai clan, she stopped hiding in the foliage, strapped her spear on her back once more, and revealed herself to the clan members. The young na'vi children that knew her came barreling towards her once they spotted her, shouting and cheering as they neared her. Layontsin smiled and let them crowd her even to the point of letting them touch her, their parents not worrying since they respected her and knew that she would never harm their children. Other adult na'vi came close and gave her greetings of honor, to which the anthro thanator greeted them in return.

"Oh great divine beast Layontsin, we see you" one of them said as they made their greeting gesture. Layontsin nodded and did the same to them. "I see you, my people. How have you all been?" The anthro thanator asked them. "We have been fine. As you can see, our clan is prospering and growing in numbers once again thanks to the warriors and to you as well" another said with happiness and pride. Layontsin nodded and smiled, or what she could manage to make a smile in return to them. Either ways she knew the difference between a smile and a show of intimidation. On the other hand, she was truly glad that the clan was recovering after what they have gone through.

Since the arrival of the skypeople, the Anurai clan has been the target of violence from the invaders who did everything they could to steal from the clan. Their main interest were the jewels and the ornaments crafted from bones that the na'vi made and rightfully owned. However, even with peaceful talks the skypeople didn't listen and resorted to violence and attacks to get what they wanted.

Layontsin was witness to these cruel acts, and shared the same hatred and disdain that the Anurai clan had against the skypeople. She did what she could to drive the filthy aliens back to their putrid homeland, despite the fact that they were relentless and had more power than her and her fellow na'vi. Now, after the great war against the skypeople, the anthro thanator and the clan still had a hatred for the skypeople that remained on the home world of the na'vi. It was true, one skyperson turned na'vi and helped all of the clans fight back against the invaders and drive them back to their dying world. However, like the Anurai clan, Layontsin still didn't trust the skypeople that were allowed by the Omatikaya clan to stay in the forest. Nor did she want to discuss the subject about the aliens. The only thing that would interest her when it came to skypeople was hunting them down and driving them away from her territory.

"I am glad that the clan and all of the families are doing alright. If there is any trouble with unwanted 'visitors', do not doubt in calling me as soon as you can" Layontsin said to them with a nod. The na'vi people smiled and agreed. "We cannot thank you enough for everything that you have done to protect us" they said. "I should be the one to thank you all for helping me as a young kit. Without you all as my family, I wouldn't have grown into a strong thanator" she said as she smiled and gave a happy growl. The na'vi smiled and were filled with joy as they heard her words. Later, Layontsin went to the camp to join a family and enjoy a properly made meal with them. After finishing the meal she got up and went to meet with the rest of the clan people. She even went to meet the new na'vi that have managed to come back with tamed banshees and thanators, the new hunters having completed their rite of passage and letting their newly bonded creatures get familiarized with Layontsin.

Everything was going great until she heard the shouts that announced new arrivals.

Layontsin, turned around and headed to where she heard the arrival calls originate, soon seeing that na'vi from the other tribes arriving mounted on direhorses. It seemed that they were here to deliver a message of utmost importance, and she walked over to the gathering na'vi to listen to the message.
"Tell us, brother, what has happened?" one na'vi from the Anurai clan asked. "We have been on the hunt for a stray skypeople that has appeared out of thin air. We don't know who they are, but they managed to escape us" the leader na'vi on the direhorse, one from the Omatikaya clan, said to them in response. This caused those from the clan to gasp and murmur in surprise, and some even in disgust. Layontsin too was also surprised by the news, hearing that one alien was able to escape one of the common na'vi tribes that excelled in hunting.

"Are you sure that it is one of them that sided with the na'vi and not the evil skypeople?" the leader of the Anurai clan asked the Omatikaya messenger, moving closer to them. "It is unclear if they are with JakeSully, but we do know that they have headed here near the territory of your clan" they said in response, making the other na'vi look at each other in worry. Layontsin was now interested in this new message and the whereabouts of the new intruder. A skyperson, alone in the forest, and having escaped one of the best hunters of the Omatikaya clan, sounded like an interesting hunting challenge for the anthro thanator.

"We will find this lone skyperson and capture them for you if we must." The clan leader said to the messenger. "Please, if you do, give him to us so that we will bring him to our leader" the Omatikaya messenger said to the leader. "We make no promises. If they resist and harm our people, we won't hesitate to kill them" the leader said. The messengers looked at the leader with doubt before nodding in understanding. Then they rode away in their direhorses and off to the other parts of the forest. Then the leader turned around and went to gather the best hunters in the clan. Layontsin immediately offered herself to accompany the best hunters and their thanators to track down this lone skyperson

"Very well. I trust you that you can catch this one and bring them to us. You have my permission to do so" the clan leader said to Layontsin. "Thank you. I will not fail to bring them to our clutches" she said with a nod and a fierce look. The leader smiled and nodded in approval, as the other na'vi hunters got ready with their hunting weapons and their bonded beasts. Layontsin smiled and also got ready with her spear and her additional weapons that she would need to hunt.

Before long the anthro thanator, and her accompanying na'vi hunters, set out to the forest in search for this skyperson and bring him no matter what.

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