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Asim and Shaka went outside to see what, or who specifically, caused the leak.

The na'vi hunters were still outside, having moved to be near the large domes that were part of the base. They were trying to see what how strong the walls were by poking them with their spears. Asim called out to them and asked what they were doing, and Shaka began to rapidly translate what his friend had said. The na'vi were surprised that one of the new humans spoke their language almost fluently, and after a moment they replied. "They say that they are trying to figure out if what they are seeking is inside. And are demanding to see what is inside as they are curious." Shaka said to Asim. He placed a hand on his chin, thinking of what he would offer them as a response. "I think it is wise to let them in" Asim said after a moment, making his friend step back in worry. "Are you serious? Is it safe for the natives to step into our home?" Shaka asked him nervously and with concern. "It's fair that we let them in so they could see. We don't want to lie to them or let them cause more trouble. Besides, they are honorable, as they have brought me here to you guys. We should do the same in return so that they could trust us and we could be at peace with them." Asim explained to his teammate.

Shaka sighed a bit, Asim noticing that he was conflicted internally with something delicate as this subject. However, to Asim's relief, Shaka was understanding and agreed to the terms. He went to the natives and said something in na'vi, something that looked like acceptance but with some regulations. Layontsin still decided to stay outside as she wasn't comfortable stepping inside. The na'vi hunters agreed before following Asim and Shaka back inside. Kentaro, Emeralda and Mikhail were waiting for them, tensing up a bit as they saw the tall na'vis folloing right behind as they crouched to fit under the doorways. Shaka led them to the door that he went before when the oxygen leak alarm sounded. Once there, he cast a look at the na'vi and said to them something before he began to open the door. Air hissed from the walls as some decontamination mist was sprayed onto them, making the natives jump. Once fully open, Asim stepped fully into the other side with Shaka leading the way. Inside the new area, the whole place made Asim's eyes widen.

The entire place has been turned into a miniature biome, filled with all types of Earth plants.

"Shaka...you and the others...did all of this?" Asim asked with disbelief. "Like we told you, this place was once a project from the colonial initiative. Though it was abandoned eventually. Still they left this place intact and ready, which left us to go ahead and pick up the pieces to finally complete the entire thing." Shaka explained as they walked forwards and gestured to the whole area. Asim looked around, spotting several plants that were used for crops and others that have grown to full size and covered the overhead canopy. The whole place seemed like a miniature forest that still looked large despite its limited size. The na'vi were as equally impressed as Asim, gazing upon the small environment with plants that were alien to them. They spoke to Shaka in question, and he immediately gave them an answer. "Did they ask about the place?" Asim asked, and Shaka nodded. "They asked if this was all that there was, and I told them there is nothing else." Shaka said, and then one na'vi came and asked something else that he immediately answered. "Now they ask where their totems could be, and I said that we don't know." Shaka said.

Asim nodded and looked up at the leader of the hunters. "We will do what we can to find them. We will go out to the other base and search for them in the other base. I am aware of it" he said to them. The one that understood english nodded. "Very well. You bring us the Lo'as, and we will be at peace with your people" the na'vi hunter said. "Thank you" Asim said to them. Some of the other na'vi hunters were peering at some fruits that hung from the trees, moving to Shaka and asking what they were. Shaka smiled, seeming to be now generous with them and telling them what they were as well as giving them a sample. Now the natives were immensely curious of this new fruit, and once one took a bite and tasted the flavor they were shocked. They started to speak in rapid na'vi and tell them words that sounded like descriptions. "Seems like we have pleased them with the fruits. Why don't we let them have some samples to bring back to their clan?" Shaka said to Asim. "Are you sure? A moment ago you were skeptical about letting them in." Asim said to him, raising an eyebrow. "I was, but now that they seem to like this, we can send them back to their home with their hands full. A gift of gratitude for bringing you home" Shaka said to him, smiling and looking back at the na'vi that continued to explore the biome. Asim couldn't help but smile at his friend, proud that he and his friends still had honor in them. So he agreed and went back to the others to help them gather the fruits.

The na'vi were impressed because of the offer that was given with the fruits. They said that they would go out and make makeshift baskets to carry the fruits. Lily watched from the window of the biome how the natives got to work outside while Asim and his teammates gathered. Once that was done, each carried their portions outside where the na'vi have finished making the baskets. One by one, the baskets were filled and the na'vi were satisfied. The natives were about to depart when one of them seemed to remember something and spoke to Asim. "They say that they still have to take you to the metal village. I assume Hell's Gate." Shaka translated for him. "Tell them that this is my home. This is where I belong with my family. And not to worry, as I am aware of the deal that I have made with the clan leader" Asim said, Shaka translating what he said to the na'vi. The natives understood and started to head off, carrying the baskets with the gifts in them before starting to depart. Layontsin joined them and walked with her fellow na'vi back towards the forest. Before they all disappeared into the forest, Layontsin gave one last look at Asim and the others that stood outside of the outpost. She casted a look that spoke many things, some that Asim couldn't understand before she joined the na'vi hunters and left. Once they were gone, Asim turned back to his friend. "Alright everyone, we have work to do" he said to them. "Before you give your plan, make sure you change and take a bath. You stink." Kentaro said.

Asim laughed and gave him a playful nudge before they returned inside of the outpost.

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