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The rest of the night was quite pleasant for Layontsin. All the way until the first rays of sun began shining through the forest

Instead of spending a night in the outskirts of the village, alone and always worried that something might attack her, Layontsin felt very at ease for the first time in many suns. It felt like sleeping with the clan leaders when they first took her in and raised her, but with only one of them. Despite the small size of the skyperson, he emitted a favorable amount of warmth to keep them warm during the night. And even if Asim was a skyperson, small and capable of defending himself, it didn't really matter to her now. The simple display of trust that he showed her before they fell asleep made her think that Asim truly was a great skyperson. One that truly had a brave and strong heart, with no fear of anything that could happen to him. Even when up against a being like Layontsin who could easily tare him to bloody pieces, Asim didn't display distrust as he once did before. Meaning that now they had mutual respect with one another thanks to their understanding. Meeting him and teaching him of the na'vi ways has truly changed Asim, letting her see how he really was on the inside. Now came the question of what he felt of her as she has just expressed it to him. Layontsin thought of the conversation she had with the tsahik when Asim was unwell. She did express some affection to him with her pleased sounds and head rubs on his head, but she felt that it was his turn to express what he felt to her. It was difficult as he did smile and return a gesture of what seemed like the skyperson version of sentiment, but...it felt that it lacked something behind it.

She left the thought for another time as her focus was now directed to waking up, opening her eyes and searching her surroundings. Everyone was still in the hut, sleeping soundly because of the previous day. The five skypeople that were part of Asim's group, including small Lily, were sleeping peacefully around the fire that has gone out during the night. Layontsin rubbed her eyes with her hands and then moved a bit from where she was to stretch her limbs. After giving a wide and long yawn, exposing her teeth and jaws, she looked back down at where Asim was sleeping. He was still there, breathing softly as he slept without seeming as if in high alert. Layontsin smiled and laid back down beside the skyperson, using all four arms to bring him back close to her large body and chest. She moved him carefully as to not wake him and startle him, fearing that even the slightest touch would interrupt his peace. Thankfully he didn't awaken in a disturbed manner. Instead, he moved closer to Layontsin and to her warmth, showing more trust even when he was asleep. This made Layontsin smile and her heart leap in happiness, seeing that the small skyperson was used to her now. The rumbling noise that she made when she was pleased with the food she ate sounded, Layonstin not caring if it was let out by accident or on purpose.

After some time, when the sun started to rise more above, Asim and his friends started to wake up slowly. The small skyperson that was in Layontsin's arms started to stretch and yawn, opening his small eyes and looking up at her. He looked surprised that she was still there with him, but rather relieved she hadn't left. "Did you rest well?" Layontsin asked, making her pleased rumbling sound as she continued holding him. "Yes." Asim said, smiling and reaching out again to touch her snout as he faced her. She let him, her tail swishing in a happy manner when she felt his gentle touch once more on her skin. Asim let out a soft chuckle as he saw her like this, Layontsin letting him move closer to her so he could perform the gentle hand rubs on her snout. In turn, the anthro thanator rumbled more and gave Asim's head more nuzzles with her snout and teeth. Soon afterwards he stopped and began to sit up, Layontsin letting go of him so he could stretch his limbs. Then she noticed him looking to the side, where she saw Mikhail and Shaka observing them with smiles and covering their mouths to hide their laughter. Asim frowned at them as if he had to deal with them and their remarks, saying "Stop it" to them before starting to get up. Layontsin also got up to join them as each began to finally awaken.

Before they all went outside of the small hut, they noticed the clan leader Rai'uk, the tsahik Unil'tingai, and some other na'vi that have risen early, start approaching where they were.

"Good morning, Layontsin. Have you slept well?" Rai'uk asked, smiling and greeting her with the hand gesture. "I have. The best since I was a young baby." Layontsin said, returning the gesture. Rai'uk laughed and Unil'tingai giggled when they heard that, as well as the other na'vi that were behind and around them. "What brings all of you here this early in the morning?" Layontsin asked the clan leaders. "We have come here to tell you that we have come to a decision." Unil'tingai said to her. Layontsin was worried for a moment, but remembered what she had heard them discuss the previous day. "We have decided to make Asim and his family a part of the clan. Part of the Anurai clan!" Rai'uk said, turning to the rest of the clan that was present to announce the decision. The news that was spoken once again made Layontsin more excited than when she first heard it before. She looked back at the skypeople, Shaka translating what the clan leader has said. It was clear that they were equally surprised as the na'vi around them, showing some sort of excitement.

The anthro thanator felt so much pride in her chest seeing them take in the news in a positive way, despite her seeing that some na'vi were somewhat not pleased by this. Layontsin understood that they were still not used to humans, but the majority of the clan members were more happy as well to hear the announcement. "For you to earn your place among the people, you must all have gone through the respective rites of passage. Even if the majority of you have not done so because of the risk, you all have proven that you respect and willingly accept the ways of the people. Therefore, we shall give you new names, letting you keep your old ones as well. So that the clans from all over the may know who you truly are." Unil'tingai said, walking over to Asim and the group as she took a small bowl of paint. The skypeople stepped forwards to the tsahik, waiting for her to begin. The first one was Shaka, whom she named the "story person" as his name was the most known, and gave him a unique symbol on his forehead. The next one was Mikhail, who was named Strong Mountain, "Txur Ram". Following him was Kentaro, named Quiet Seer, "Fnu Kame". Following him was Emeralda, named Beautiful Stone, "Lor Tskxe". Lily was named Small Flower, "Hìi syulang".

And finally came the turn for Asim to get a new name after each got their unique marks on their foreheads. However, the clan leader Rai'uk came forwards to respectfully take the paint bowl so that he could give Asim a new name. "You have proven to be a strong skyperson that many will fear. Yet you have also shown you have the heart of a warrior, who will protect others no matter what. Therefore, your new name shall be Dark Warrior, Vawm Tsamsiyu" Rai'uk said as he looked down at Asim, pronouncing the new name so everyone could hear. Then the clan leader dipped his fingers on the paint and began to mark Asim's forehead. When he finished, Layontsin gasped when she realized that the stumble was that of the Anurai clan; the eye of a thanator. Normally the clan leader gave this mark to those that were the best hunters and had their own thanator mounts. And yet, here he was, giving the mark to a noble skyperson with full authority. Layontsin couldn't hold back her joy as she saw Asim be given his new name and the special mark, her tail swishing behind her as she smiled proudly. Later Rai'uk stepped back and turned his sights to the clan members that were gathered around, and raised his hands up.

"Let us rejoice for our new brothers and sisters: the Earth Children!" He announced, making the whole clan cheer.

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