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In the following days, things have changed. Mainly the schedule.

To maintain a steady visit schedule, the team made sure that the visits were on a required basis and not too frequent so that they didn't use up too much fuel when they went on the chopper. Adding to that, they reviewed their speech and their behavior to different scenarios so that there wouldn't be any conflict in the future. They knew that the na'vi were still worried about them, especially their weapons and their vehicles. So Asim chose to help his team show the natives that they could trust them while they carried their weapons. Furthermore, they had to explain that they didn't kill because they could, but to defend themselves. Of course, there were still some problems as their customs conflicted with the norms of the na'vi. Such as the three laws that the natives had in common, there being;

"You shall not set stone upon stone.

Neither shall you use the turning wheel.

Nor use the metals of the ground."

And, of course, because of the group's human way of life with their living place, weapons, and transportation method, they were breaking the majority of those laws. Thankfully, the Anurai clan leader and the tsahik made an exception to the group. As long as Asim and his friends showed that they had no need to mine the metals, didn't use a land vehicle that was terrestrial and had wheels, or make new buildings while destroying the natural land like the RDA humans did, they would be at peace with them. Which was more fair than anyone would have expected. Even so, Asim knew that if they were to truly survive and thrive in this new world, they had to adapt and start learning the ways of the natives.

Which was exactly what Asim and his group has decided to do.

With the days that passed, it was now becoming more easy to interact with the na'vi and the members of the clan. Like decided before by the clan leader, each was assigned to a na'vi that knew some English to teach each member of Asim's team to speak the native tongue. Shaka was the only one without a "teacher" as he knew the vast majority of the language, though he still practiced with other na'vi to learn. Asim was the only one to have some problems with learning as it was completely new. And the fact that he was learning with Layontsin, the thanathor hybrid, which didn't help Asim be calm any bit. Even so, they all persisted in learning and asked for help to the clan leader and the tsahik so there won't be any misunderstandings. And Layontsin was more used to Asim, as now she was more comfortable with him around as well as his friends and Lily. He noticed that the thanator creature, despite being firm and a bit harsh with Asim when it came to teaching, began to simmer down and keep teaching Asim. Now in each visit, Layontsin was more flexible and started to understand him more, mainly because they shared some understanding with hand signs to gesture to other things.

Bit by bit and visit by visit, the group was more welcome to the na'vi camp each time the group arrived to visit. Shaka was having more luck than the rest as his na'vi was flawless and was constantly the attention grabber, though not too much as everyone was doing well. Kentaro was admired because of his serenity and patience, Emeralda by her rare blonde hair and beauty, Shaka by skin rarity and fluency, and Mikhail by his strength and his charisma. Lily was also starting to become popular, due to her young age as she was the first young human seen by the na'vi. Asim at first was worried that the na'vi kids will start picking on or bullying her because of her small size or that she was a human. However, and thankfully, the na'vi children were delighted to play with Lily despite being different from the rest. Sure, there were a few that made somewhat fun of Lily, but the parents of the na'vi children that did those remarks were quick to reprimand their children later. This made Asim more calmer than before, relieved that things were going well with everyone.

While these things were going on, the group decided among themselves to also start to teach the na'vi some parts of their ways. Mainly the English language they spoke so that the na'vi could learn and understand them. They also brought some more of the natural Earth products to share with the na'vi, even if it was a small amount due to the limited supply. Next up was their fighting capabilities, both with their weapons and without them. This interested the na'vi as it was a new to see humans perform with their way of fighting, especially with small or without any sort of weapons. First, in one occasion, Asim decided to bring along the modern bow and the arrows that were obtained from Hell's Gate. This caught the interest of the clan leader and the na'vi, surprised that humans had something in common from both their worlds. Asim let Rai'uk try the bow and arrows out, as the clan leader insisted. The concept was similar, which meant that the clan leader easily handled knocking an arrow and launching it. And the best part was that even if the aim was slightly off, the arrow always landed on its mark.

Next up was their weapon usage. They opted out the ones that both sides already knew like pistols and rifles, and made sure they had training paint ammo for demonstration. Kentaro was the first one to show them his sniper, which required him to go to a far side of the village. The na'vi were confused as to why Kentaro needed such a long distance to aim. Their questions were soon answered when Kentaro, having moved to a long distance and climbed up a tree, let out his paint rounds towards the targets that were made. Each landed in the center, with pinpoint accuracy despite the long distance that Kentaro had with the targets. This surprised the na'vi, shocked how he managed to do that with total ease. "That's Kentaro." Asim told some of them with a proud smile. The following was a demonstration of hand-to-hand combat which included Shaka going against Emeralda. The two were experts in this sort of combat, next to Asim of course, as they performed a match against each other. They used punches, leg swipes, tripping, and knockdowns as well as restraining to show how humans performed hand-to-hand fights. Some na'vi even got interested in leading these kinds of moves, which the others in turn gladly showed how they were achieved. Even Mikhail, who was the strongest, showed everyone of how much weight he could carry with ease.

Sure, every na'vi didn't have the same reaction of enthrallment and acceptance. There were still some that had some doubts about letting them near them or their friends and relatives. But, at the end of the day, the clan leader and tsahik reminded everyone that Asim and his friends were guests, no longer the enemy humans that came to take what was in the land and ruin it. Which was unexpected from the part of the group to watch the two clan leaders support them despite the few visits the group has given the na'vi clan. After each day, there soon came the time when they had to leave back towards home. The na'vi also gave them some souvenirs, mainly bone and stone ornaments, for them to carry and remember. All of this made each and everyone in Asim's group to feel truly welcomed in the Anurai clan, and strengthen their relationship.

From there on, everything looked just fine.

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