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From the moment the na'vi saw those woodsprites, everyone has been on edge.

The most concerned was Asim, as he didn't know if they were still going to kill him or not. Whatever the case was, the na'vi now seemed to see him with different eyes. Sure, some still had those eyes that meant hostility or distrust, but now the majority had what seemed to be looks of curiosity and even admiration. Which didn't help Asim the least as he was currently trying to eat peacefully some fruits that were offered to him. The continuous looks and foreign language in the whispering of nearby na'vi kept Asim alert at all times, not making eye contact with just a couple of glances to remain on guard. Whatever they were keeping him for, he would soon get the answers to. Right how Asim thought it would be best not to try escaping again and wait what they would say to him. Especially the clan leader of this camp, who seemed to speak/understanding English and have changed his opinion of killing Asim.

Speaking of which, here he came accompanied with some other na'vi...and the thanator creature. Immediately when he spotted the creature he backed up quickly against the tree he was sitting near, glaring at them. The creature noticed him glare and narrowed its eyes, lips unfurling to show its teeth and snarl as its crest and quills flared. However, the clan leader moved a hand to prevent them from lunging at Asim, and they obeyed. Asim relaxed, but kept his guard up while the clan leader began to speak to him again. "We do not know who you are or why you have come to us, but we have chosen you to return you to your people, AsimAngus" the clan leader spoke. This surprised Asim to a high degree as he registered the words. Returning him to Hell's Gate, after capturing him and nearly killing him? Asim didn't understand why, but he was relieved that they were sparing his life.

"However -the clan leader continued- we will not let you go easily. You must promise us that, because of our mercy, you will not attack our clan. We have suffered enough from you skypeople, and I do not want to make another mistake that would lead my people into darkness". Asim proceeded the words that the na'vi clan leader said to him. Even from his stern and strict demeanor, Asim saw that he was offering him an opportunity to bring him back to the base, where his friends were. He also saw that he was being honest and didn't lie, putting the safety of his people first. Almost like Asim as he was determined to do anything to keep his family safe. Breaking the promise for both of them would be considered dishonor and a disgrace. Even with the various risks involved, Asim decided to agree to the terms.

"Alright. I accept. I will do what you have asked. No harm will come to your people. I will do what I can to ensure it" Asim said to the clan leader, looking up at the na'vi and nodding. "Very good. Also, to ensure that the promise is kept, I will like to ask something of you" the clan leader said, also nodding. This confused Asim for a moment. What could the clan leader possibly want from him in exchange for him being let free? He had nothing of value that the na'vi would want. Weapons? No, he already lost them, and they wouldn't like them. Wealth? They certainly didn't seem interested in that, and he carried none. "What will that be?" Asim asked the clan leader. "If it's possible, I would like you to return to my people the sacred Lo'as that have been stolen by your people" he said. This confused Asim as he tried to remember, not recalling RDA officials being interested in na'vi items other than the unobtanium everyone was after in the ground. Whatever these Lo'as the clan leader was referring to they sounded of value to the tribe that he led, and seemed like the least thing Asim could do to be at peace with them.

So he agreed to the terms with the clan leader.

"Of course. I will do what I can to find them" he said, nodding to the clan leader. Some of the na'vi that understood them seemed to be relieved, and made Asim somewhat more calmer than before as he has committed to keeping the promise. "Thank you, AsimAngus. We will honor what you will do for us and not harm you or your people. You will accompany my hunters in the morning" the clan leader said, gesturing to the ones that were behind and to the side. Asim nodded, and again he couldn't help but glare at the thanator creature that was among those "hunters" that the clan leader has said would bring him to the base. The clan leader seemed to notice the tension between the human and the thanator creature as he looked at both of them. "Do not fear. Layontsin will not harm you again. I have already spoken to her" the clan leader said to Asim. This confused Asim for a moment as he now knew the creature had a name. Layontsin...and it was....female? The thanator creature was a woman? The realization struck him like someone hitting him in the head with a dry but hard stick. How did he not realize that? No, he was too concentrated on surviving "Layontsin" to figure those details out.

After the confirmation, Asim was left alone while the clan leader was seen going off. Leaving Asim with some other na'vi that went to give him some more food even when he has already had enough. Some other hunters stood guard on him so that he wouldn't try to escape, but Asim just laid back and didn't bother in escaping as he was sure that the na'vi clan leader would keep his promise. Only time would tell if he would be brought to Hell's Gate or not. "What a day..." he muttered to himself as he closed his eyes and leaned back on the tree he was resting against. He was almost going to go back into sleeping when someone touched his shoulder, making Asim open his eyes again. It was a na'vi, one of the hunters, and it asked him something in the best of English they could manage, which surprised Asim a bit.

Realizing that he would stay a while before he would be brought back home, Asim did his best to answer what the natives asked him. For example, what he said to the hunters that initially chased him, to which he answered with the word in na'vi that he said to them and made them laugh. Asim also chuckled as the humor affected him too. Though he also noticed that the thanator creature, Layontsin, just didn't want to join the conversation. She just stood there nearby, but didn't approach them as she had her back turned to them. Asim thought maybe because she hated skypeople and had little interest in them, or simply she was angry that, to be fair, he managed to give her some hits and a scar. No matter the case, Asim felt just a small pang of pity for the large creature, but then he was pulled back into the conversation.

Some time later it became late, and Asim laid down to close his eyes and rested while the rest of the na'vi village went to their cots to sleep.

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