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A pounding headache and the taste of copper in his mouth is what brought Asim back into reality.

It felt like having been crushed by a large stone wall collapsing above. However the lingering pain of the bruises and the wounds all over his body told Asim that he was still alive. Opening one eye, Asim found himself leaning back against what seemed like a tree trunk. And he also found that his arms and legs have been tied up with vines, restraining him from any type of movement. Later after a bit of moving, he noticed some ornament made of bones on some places around and above him, hanging from wooden posts or the branches of trees themselves. This led Asim to conclude that he was in a na'vi village, which also confused him, and noticed that it was nighttime as the place was illuminated by few torches. The last thing he remembered was...being knocked out by a creature similar to a thanator...but smaller and could walk upright like a native. From there he was sure that his life was boing to end, but now...he was alive again and now in the center of a na'vi village.

Asim didn't know why he was brought here, nor what the na'vi would want with him, but he was sure that he didn't want to stay and find out. Not when he was a human, an enemy of the na'vi who would kill him the moment they got the chance as he too was responsible for killing them. Now he moved his head to look down, and noticed that his uniform and suit were still intact as it was still on him. What disappointed him was that he had no weapons now, having lost them in the fight with the thanator creature. With almost no options, Asim tried to look around for anything sharp that could help him cut the vines that binded his wrists and arms together. Luckily, he found a jagged edge of a trunk sticking out from the ground that looked sharp enough to cut through the vines. So, moving his injured but still intact body while restrained, he wiggled and crawled slowly over to the jagged wood and brought his wrists to start moving them over it to cut the vine straps. Seconds later after having cut halfway through, and a piece falling off from the jagged edge near to him, he stopped as his ears picked up a faraway sound.

Two voices, which definitely belonged to the natives, were getting louder and louder as the approached. Asim hurried and moved back to his previous position as quickly as he could and closed his eyes, pretending he hasn't moved as he opened one eyelid slightly to see. Two na'vi came into the clearing where Asim was "imprisoned", one being a man and the other a woman as they each carried a basket full of fruits and other types of seemingly edible products. They approached Asim carefully, not wanting to disturb his sleep of unconsciousness as they slowly set down the baskets in front of him. They observed him for a moment before stepping away, turning to face one another to speak in the native tongue. Asim didn't know what exactly they were talking about, as he knew a limited amount of na'vi speech, but he was sure that the two were talking about him. It looked like one was not pleased by what they were doing, while the other expressed...what looked like pity as they looked over the bruised and injured body of Asim.

They conversation was soon interrupted by a smaller na'vi, a younger one it looked, arriving with a few of its friends all giggling and curious as they approached Asim's "unconscious" body. The parents said something in the native tongue that felt like telling them to be careful, but the kids' curiosities won over the adult's warning as he saw them crouch and approach him. They reached with their four-fingered hands and nudged his face, trying to see if he reacted. Asim kept his eyes closed and didn't move from where he laid. The kids simply persisted while the parents continued to tell them to back away, though they didn't listen. Soon, having enough with the poking and jabbing, Asim was starting to decide already to break the loose straps that binded his hands.

With a quick movement he reached for a broken piece on the ground, used it to slice the binds on his legs, and got up with a jump to bolt away from them. The na'vi kids screamed as they saw Asim suddenly wake up and leap away from them, the parents giving shouts and pulling the kids closer to them and away from Asim. He didn't have no time to see what else their reactions were as he whirled around and tore through the ground running, looking around to find a place to orientate. The place was filled with huts and other na'vi as he ran, some of the natives moving away or giving cries of surprise as they witnessed a human run across their village. Right now the only thing that mattered for Asim was to escape the native village and disappear into the forest once again so that they wouldn't catch him.

Asim was about to reach the outskirts towards freedom when something came flying at him.

Whatever it was, it came flying from out of nowhere and tangled itself around Asim's legs. Which made him trip and fall down onto the ground body flat and face first into the dirt. He grunted and groaned as he was brought onto the ground, wind and bearings knocked out temporarily as he recovered, but soon he was restrained by large and strong hands as he was picked back up into standing. The na'vi had him in their clutches again, and Asim grunted and struggled to free himself from them. Then they began to push him around and forwards to return to the village, leading him to the center of the village this time. More na'vi started to gather around after noticing what has happened, surrounding them and making way for Asim and those that had his hands and body restrained. One went near him and poked him in the leg with its bow, making Asim glare at them. They muttered and whispered to each other, looking at him with faces of scorn and disgust, as far as Asim could tell, before they stopped at what looked like the center of the village.

There, more na'vi started to gather. When Asim looked up, he noticed what seemed to be the leader of the clan. And to the side, standing tall and behind some other na'vi...the same thanator creature that attacked him and probably brought him here.

"Oh...you've got to be joking" Asim deadpanned quietly as he noticed the creature, struggling to fight off the na'vis that had him restrained. Then the leader raised his and in the air, and the whole tribe began to fall silent and hush down before he started to approach Asim all tall and wearing authority. He looked dangerous, and it dawned on Asim that this wasn't a native that he could cross or make angry and get away with it. One of the na'vi that held Asim prodded him to step forwards, which made him a bit more angry to the point of almost snapping at them. However, the feeling of self preservation kicked in and forced Asim to obey the silent order given. He looked up, straight into the leader's stern eyes to let him know that he was aware of the situation at hand. Then, what happened next, made Asim's body stif in astonishment.

"I do not know who you are or why you are here, but if you want to live, you will answer all of my questions. If you do not, your life will be on the end of an arrow. Have I made myself clear?" The leader of the clan said coldly, in English.

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