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For Layontsin, this was unexpected to happen a second time.

And now she knew that what happened before the first time wasn't a mere coincidence. The clan leader now told the hunters to tie up the skyperson again, but also told them to give him food and water before turning back to have a talk with the tsahik. Layontsin went with them while the rest of the na'vi dispersed and went back to their huts, and the clan leader and tsahik let her join the two. "I told you that what I saw happened. And it has happened again. What do you think it means?" Layontsin asked as the three sat down. The tsahik was thoughtful for a moment, trying to interpret what the sign from the woodsprites meant and what message the great mother Eywa was giving. "I am not sure about this one. This alien, who goes by the name "Asim Angus" and had the courage to stand up may not be a leader or a great man, but he seems honest. I believe that we can trust him, at least." She said to the clan leader, turning and giving a small smile at Layontsin. "He has the same spark of life, and bravery that you had when you came to us, dear Layontsin." She said to the anthro thanator, which made her a little bashful. Though Layontsin didn't want to be compared with that fierce yet scrawny skyperson that they had imprisoned.

"I know what we should do. As much as I don't like the idea, I also do not want my people to suffer more because of what happened when I took revenge on the skypeople that nearly wiped out our clan." The clan leader said, sighing a bit. "What do you mean? You told us your story, and I know it's true because all the na'vi talked about it. You could lead us into victory if those skypeople ever dare attack our people" Layontsin said, a bit fiercely with conviction to try and help lighten the spirit. "I know. I know. However, I still live in regret because of other things that I have caused with no hopes of amending them." The clan leader said, looking down to the ground. The tsahik placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort him and ease his guilt.

"Have you made your decision?" She asked the clan leader after a long moment. "The skypeople will wonder where he has gone. We weren't exactly subtle when we chose to capture him. For all we know, they must be sending out a search party out to find him right now." He said, now with his originally serious tone. "But they don't know that we live here now. It will take an eternity to find us." Layontsin said. "That is true, but they could easily start at the Tree of Voices that are near our territory. We do not want them over there and destroy them in order to bring us out. So we will deliver our 'guest' safely back to the metal village." The clan leader said, nodding as he had made the decision. "Wait, are you saying that we are going to where the skypeople are?" Layontsin started, now sounding worried as she heard the plan. "That's exactly what I said. You go back to the other na'vi, and pick five hunters to go out with you. Take with you the minimum thanators with you, as the skypeople weapons kill anything like banshees and fierce predators." The clan leader said. "They would certainly kill us if we go there and show up in front of their metal village" Layontsin said, her flat tail lashing from side to side in more worry and doubt than before. "Almost surely. However, I am sure that our skyperson guest can be convinced to let us in without getting killed." The clan leader said, having spoken out and making it the final decision. "Does anyone have anything else to say?" He asked a moment later as he noticed the concerned faces of the tsahik and the anthro thanator, though they didn't say anything.

"Good. The group will head out in the morning. But first the mountain pass must be crossed as it's the only quick way to reaching the skypeople home. However there is also another problem; another smaller village in the path, which the hunters rumor that is fiercely protected by a group of skypeople. We also can convince our guest to grant passage to the metal village." The clan leader said as he started to get up. "What will happen if they don't want to listen to us?" Layontsin asked as she and the tsahik also got up. "Then you let him go and immediately return to us. Do not attack unless they chase you and the hunters that accompany you. Is that clear?" The clan leader said, looking up at the anthro thanator with serious eyes. Layontsin looked back at him, with conflict in her mind. She definitely did not want to go to the village of the skypeople and bring the solitary skyperson to its people when there was a risk that they would kill all them. She did not understand why the clan leader chose HER to accompany the hunters when they alone could get the job done. Yet the clan leader has made his decision, and as much as she disliked it the decision sounded more wise that it was originally meant to.

So Layontsin agreed as she nodded.

"Very well. Let us go back to our guest and speak the decision" The clan leader said as he began to head out of the hut they were gathered in. Layontsin and the clan leader were taking a few steps out to leave when the tsahik suddenly called them back to have a word. "Yes? What is it, my mate?" The clan leader asked as the two came back. "Make sure that the skyperson comes back with a guarantee that, because of our mercy that we are showing to him, will prove to us that he is trustworthy and honorable. I do not know him fully or why he is here, but I have a feeling that he is different from the rest of his kind. Perhaps, if given the chance, we can learn more about the skypeople." The tsahik told the clan leader. "I do not know if he will agree or not, but I will try. And...what guarantee shall we ask him?" he said, curious about this new proposal. "If they are still in the metal village, the totems and items that were stolen" the tsahik said. The clan leader seemed like he has been punctured in the sides with needles. "My mate, I have already said that they are long gone, taken away by the skypeople to their home in the stars" the clan leader said, rubbing his head temples with one hand in a bit of frustration. "I know. Just...try asking" the tsahik said, moving closer to place a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. After a long pause the clan leader sighed and nodded as he looked up. "Very well" the clan leader said before he and the tsahik hugged and then separated. Then Layontsin accompanied the clan leader to where the skyperson was being kept.

Layontsin growled and hissed a bit quietly to herself as they walked, wondering how the alien would react to the news. One thing was certain; as long as she didn't spend more time with this "Asim" skyperson, she would be fine.

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