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All five wasted no time in taking action.

While Kentaro was above, making sure the chopper was in autopilot while at the doors, Asim, Mikhail, Emeralda, and Shaka began their assault. "All units, engage! Remember, no casualties unless necessary!" Asim said before he engaged the first na'vi with bone ornaments and ash tribe markings by running straight at them, who in turn gave a war cry and tried to impale him with a spear. The first movement from the hostile native gave him enough time for Asim to formulate his attack and evade. He aimed at the canopy and launched his grappling hook, which helped him pull up into the air to evade being impaled by the spear. Up there, he swung over and looked down, time slowing down for him as he aimed his weapon at the na'vi. He pulled the trigger on his rifle in a way that he only shot one bullet, which hit its mark on the Ash clan na'vi's shoulder. The na'vi shouted in pain as they clutched the wound that has been inflicted, distracting them enough time for Asim to detach from the branch and land on the native to give it a hard bash on the head with the buttstock of his assault rifle.  This knocked the na'vi into painful unconsciousness as Asim quickly regained his composure to evade the next attacking na'vi. They tried to tackle him, but he moved aside and made them trip. He ran at the na'vi and gave them a strong punch on the face, which fell on the ground like the other na'vi. The rest of the na'vi tried to jump him, but the others from Asim's team also began to gain their attention. Enough attention to leave all the Anurai clan alone.

Looking back at the na'vi tribe that was tied up he looked at the clan leader Rai'uk and the rest, coming over to start freeing a few of them one by one while confusion and battle reigned around them. Layontsin was one of them, as she too had her four hands tied and was surprised to see him and his team like the rest. "AsimAngus..." Unil'tingai breathed as she was untied by Rai'uk. Asim gave a slight nod at them before turning around quickly to rejoin the fighting effort. Mikhail was busy bodying the Ash clan na'vi members, his thick armor making it useless for the natives to pierce them while he took his chances to knock them down and bash them. And Mikhail even picked some na'vi up like if they were small logs and throwing them at other na'vi. He gave a loud grunting noise and bashed his chest with his fists in challenge to the other na'vi that engaged him. Emeralda was also fighting hand to hand combat with the na'vi, being light on her feet as she used both her hands and feet to hit the na'vi on the faces and the feet. She used her speed to jump up to their level and give hits, slide down and trip her opponents with intense velocity, or dodge incoming attacks while rarely using her firearms to shoot at the limbs of the na'vi. Shaka gave surprise attacks as he used his grappling hook to climb up the trees and then dive down to jump upon unsuspecting na'vi opponents. "Phambili!" Shaka shouted fiercely in one time as he jumped down on one na'vi and tackled them, punching them to knock them out before he moved away quickly and engaged the other. He jumped and used two knives to give the na'vi opponents slashes at their chests, arms, legs, backs, and faces. Though, like the rest of the team, Shaka did his best to harm them, not kill them unless necessary. Even Kentaro, while up in the chopper that had its headlights lighting up the place, used his sniper to shoot at them at the skin surfaces. Kentaro restrained himself from shooting directly at the na'vi with usual but incredible accuracy.

All of this caused the Ash clan hunters and warriors to enter immense confusion as they saw the small humans take on the best of them with frightening accuracy.

However, there were some that did not think of running away from the unprecedented attack led by the humans. One of them managed to knock Asim away from another na'vi he was currently engaging another one to bring them down. Asim grunted as he fell down on the ground, doing his best to get up as quick as possible to recover. The Ash clan na'vi didn't give him a chance to recover as they used a sort of bone weapon like a club to start beating him. Asim curled up while shielding his head and body from the constant hitting. Another na'vi came to join and had a spear ready to impale him, Asim noticing it and getting ready to roll out of the way. But before they could impale Asim and he could dodge it, the na'vi gagged as their body tensed and something sharp stuck out from its chest. The other na'vi looked at their partner and gave a shout of horror as the na'vi had been impaled by a large spear.

Layontsin's spear as Asim noticed the thanator anthro.

The anthro thanator that was now free gave a fierce roar as she lifted the impaled na'vi and threw them away, freeing her spear from the na'vi and moving it to strike at the next opponent. Asim recovered fully and stood up once again to continue the fight. He saw that other na'vi were closing in from behind the anthro thanator, and he immediately ran to her aid to attack them. He fired some bullets at them on spots that wouldn't kill them, as used his knife to slash at them. Layontsin caught on that Asim was aiding her while she was busy with others, and she did the same as she impaled her spear on a na'vi that was sneaking up on Asim. The two of them continued to fight and protect each other side by side until all of the Anurai clan was free. With the tables turned now to their favor, the Anurai clan hunters began to rise again and drive the Ash clan na'vi away from their home. All members of the enemy na'vi started to retreat and head back to the forest, returning to their place of origin.

None of them returned to cast a chance back at their injured partners as they disappeared into the forest.

When the last of the Ash clan na'vi have dispersed and left the camp completely, all of the Anurai clan began to cheer and hoot in victory. Layontsin gave her cheer with a loud thanator roar, raising her spear up. Seeing that their work was done, Asim and his friends gave their own cheer of victory. Which was quite different from the yipping and ululating of the natives, as they each gave out "OORAH!" shouts while raising their weapons in the air. After everyone had simmered down, the group reunited with each other and made sure each were alright. Once having done that, they were approached by the Anurai clan leaders and other na'vi. "Thank you....thank you for helping us." Rai'uk said, other na'vi coming over to give their thanks as well. Asim took his helmet off and nodded, his team also nodding while keeping their helmets in place. "You are welcome. We didn't expect that your clan would be attacked, but we did what we must to ensure that your clan would be protected. We would never abandon those in need." Asim said to the clan leader. The tsahik stepped forwards and gave them their thanks as well. "Thank you. For protecting our families and children." Unil'tingai said to them. "The children and families will always be safe. That is who we are." Asim said to the tsahik in response, nodding and giving a small bow to them.

Afterwards, the group went to help the other na'vi and tend to their wounds. Before heading out to leave and return home.

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