Chapter 22

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Y/N decided to walk around the town for a bit seeing everyone enjoying the festival.

Y/N: Did we ever go to a festival before Matatabi?

Matatabi: Not that I can remember. Though, I'm curious to try some of the food some of the vendors have.

Y/N: You and me both. Plus, some of the games look rather fun.

Matatabi: Indeed.

He continued to walk around a bit more as Y/N sensed that someone was following him. Remaining calm, he decided to head to an alleyway luring the person following him to him. After walking a bit in the alleyway, he stopped and turned around.

Y/N: I know you're there. No sense in hiding so just come out along with the others.

???: So you knew we were following you.

Slowly, several figures emerged from the shadows as Y/N recognized their clothes which were the same as the Leaf Anbu Black Ops. Y/N examined each of them seeing there were six of them as the leader stepped forward.

 Y/N examined each of them seeing there were six of them as the leader stepped forward

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Y/N glared at him as he was ready to fight him.

???: We're not your enemy. We serve under the King Tome E. Fiore, a special organization that only a few members know that serve under him.

Y/N: What is it that you want with me? Spit it out otherwise.

He grabs the handle of his sword in a blink of an eye, tightly gripping it.

Y/N: I will kill you right here.

The others got ready to fight but the leader raised his hand causing them to stop.

???: We heard that you supposedly have a beast known as Matatabi with you, is that correct?

Y/N: And what if I do?

???: There is a matter that the King wishes to speak to you about.

He reaches into his pouch and pulls out a letter with the King's royal seal on it.

???: I was ordered to give this to you per his majesty's orders. He wishes to speak to you at your earliest convenience.

Y/N glared at him unsure whether or not to take the letter or not.

Matatabi: It's alright. You can trust them. They don't pose a threat.

He remained with his hand on his sword before slowly releasing it. Slowly, he took the letter as he looked at it.

???: You do not have to answer him immediately but it would be best if you did so. He is rather curious to know you and Matatabi.

Y/N: If I do answer his request, how exactly will I be able to meet him?

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