Chapter 15

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As soon as the sun rose over the horizon, Y/N was off doing his morning training but with some adjustments. Before the stores closed yesterday, Y/N bought himself a basic spell book of fire as he want to try to finishings Fire Magic. After he finished with his usual training methods, he started reading one of the books as he was curious about different kinds of magic there are.

Y/N: Alright. Let's see how this Fire Magic Work.

Matatabi: It should work the same as Fire Jutsu. Said appearing on his shoulder

Y/N: Perhaps. Said pulling out a book. I'm surprised that that clerk also gave me one on Special Magic.

Matatabi: I believe that could be very useful for you. What does it say about how Spatial Magic Works?

Y/N: Let's see.

He flipped through the pages and found the one about Spatial Magic.

Y/N: This Magic revolves around the manipulation of space, which can allow the user to manipulate the asset for battle, travel, accessing alternate dimensions, and so on. It's also used in conjunction with summoning concrete material or extraterrestrial beings to their stead, such as conjuring up armor and weapons or allowing Celestial Spirits access to the human world.

Matatabi: Hmmm, so in some manner of speaking it's similar to how you do a summoning jutsu.

Y/N: Yeah. Have to say I'm very interested in this stuff. Erza's magic is...what again?

Matatabi: I believe Requip Magic.

Y/N: Requip huh? Said flipping the pages. Let's see if I can find it.

He flipped a few pages and he found the page as Matatabi read it.

Matatabi: Requip is a Caster Magic and is a type of Spatial Magickindsted to the summoning of various types of equipment. This Magic allows the users to store items in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon them at any time, even during battle, which gives them a high level of flexibility in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store. Requip can be used for simple or combat-related purposes.

Y/N: Of course, there have to be some limits. Also, what the fuck is Caster Magic? Is that a different category of magic or something?

Matatabi: That's right. The magic is either classified as Caster or Holder Magic

Y/N: How the hell did you know that?

Matatabi: I was able to talk to Levy about teaching me a few other things while you were out after fighting Jose.

Y/N: Seriously? Jeez, just make me feel dumb.

Matatabi: Well one of them has to be well-informed about this world. Plus, I don't see you being one who likes to study.

Y/N: Hey, this world is completely different than the one we're from. Besides. Said smiling. I am curious as to what kinds of armor there are along with weapons.

Matatabi: I am rather curious myself. Those weapons Erza used were most certainly interesting.

Y/N: No kidding. That Flame Empress Armor cuts any Fire magic or Fire-based attack power in half along with that Sea Empress Armor. If she has though kinds of armor, I'm curious if any other armor has the same ability.

Matatabi: I'm sure there are. I think you should mostly focus on just using weapons for a start.

Y/N: Just weapons? Come on. I gotta have at least one armor set of two. Then again, I don't mind having an arsenal of weapons of various powers at my disposal.

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