Chapter 9

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After what happened with the mysterious person appearing, Natsu and the others carried Y/N back to the village to be treated. Once they got there, Erza and Natsu destroyed the membrane that covered the island from the Moondrip spell that was used to free Delora. After doing this and getting some rest, they left the island the next morning. On the ride back to Hargeon, Y/N slowly started to wake up.

Y/N: The hell? What happened?

He slowly at up wincing in pain.

Y/N: Damn this hurts.

Matatabi: It would be best to take it easy. Said appearing beside him. Honestly, I'm surprised that he is even here.

Y/N: No kidding. Not to mention that the poison he used was a dirty trick.

Bonta: Are you alright master? Said emerging from his shadow.

Y/N: I'm fine, Bonta. Said looking at him. Though where the heck are we?

Bonta: We're on a boat heading back to port Hargeon that Erza acquired.

Y/N: I see.

Y/N got off the bed as he staggered a bit before falling to one knee. Bonta helped him up as Matatabi hoped on his shoulder before leaving the room. He walked up to the top deck of the ship seeing the vast view of the sea on both sides.

Y/N: Not a bad ship.

???: I see that you're finally awake.

Y/N looked to see Gray walking toward him.

Gray: Are you doing alright?

Y/N: I'm fine. Just need a bit of time to recover. Won't be long until I'm back at full strength.

Gray: That so?

Y/N: Yeah.

He walked over to the side and leaned against th railing.

Y/N: So, did everything work out in the end?

Gray: Yeah for the most part.

???: Ah I was just about to check on you.

They looked to see Erza walking toward them.

Erza: Are you doing alright?

Y/N: Yeah.

Gray: Just who was that guy? You seem to know him.

Y/N: Yeah and not in a good way.

Erza: Who exactly was that? Judging from what we saw, you have a strong hatred for him.

Y/N: I do. Though you guys should count yourself lucky that I came to stop him.

Gray: Seriously? No offense but that guy didn't look that strong.

Y/N: Then you're a damn idiot. That man alone killed the Fourth Kazekage and Thrid Hokage along with nearly destroying the Leaf Village. If I had to put where he stands against you guys, you wouldn't last five minutes against him.

Erza: He nearly destroyed the Leaf?

Y/N: Yeah. The man's name is Orochimaru, and that man can easily take on anyone in this world without any issue whatsoever. I highly doubt that the strongest wizards would be able to defeat him.

Gray: Sounds like that guy is no joke.

Erza: indeed. Though if he is here, does that mean there are more from your world residing in this one?

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