14. A Deal

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The last Thing Alyssa wanted right now was to eat dinner with the family. After today this social battery were declining. Ser Arryk and Ser Noah followed behind them as Alyssa and Aegon made their way to the diding room.

Aegon didn't want to spend time with his family ether. His mothers nagging, his wife that was now ignoring him. Not that he cared nutch of what she thought, but it was still irritating.

This day was one of the worst ever. First he got yelled at by his mother for his behaviour, to no one's surprise. Then Daeron came and irritated him with his presence. And last but defenetly not least Alyssa went in on him and Fallon. Just a perfect fucking day. Not to mention that she is ignoring him now.

The door opened to the didining room and the pair entered. Everyone was there. Aegon took his seat beside Alyssa.

"Let's pray" the queen put her hands together and everyone closed their eyes. "May the seven protect this family, give us strength and good health. And May the mother smile upon the newly weds and bless them with meny children."

Aegon almost burst out laughing at The statement. Meny children. Everyone at the table heard his laugh but did their best to ignore it as they let go of their hands and started eating. Aegon reached for his cup, but when he took a sip he realised that it was filled with water instead of wine. A cruel Thing to do.

He sighed and just drank the liquid, pretendig it was wine. Beside him Alyssa ate casually, It was clear to him that she was still ignoring him. She had her hair half up, the rest of the waves hung louse down her back. Her dress had low thighs, almost to the point of being off the shoulder. It took him a while to notice that he was Staring. And as soon as he did he snatched his gaze away.

The king rose from the chair "I will depary for today, goodnight" with that he left the room. A servant remove his plate and cup from his place and walked away.

Alyssa tired of the loud silence in the room and decide to speak. "Hel, when will your and Dareon's wedding take place?" they had both been betrothed for a while and Helaena seemed happy. Her and Daeron were quite the cuple.

"Before springs end, but it will be nothing like your and Aegon's wedding. We will just have a private ceremoni" Helaena did not like grand partiets, she would often just sit at the table and wait it out. So it made sence that it would be a private oucation.

"And I couldn't be happier" Daeron added and kissed her hand. Alyssa smiled at them, it made her happy that they were happy. She was hoping for that same happiness herself one day.

"What of you, brother" Aegon toyed with a gemstone and looked at Aemond. Aemond who has been quiet this whole time gave Aegon a cold stare. "When will you marry?"

Alicent didn't want to spoile the nice dinner stepped in. "Soon, me and the hand will find a sutable woman. But that might take time".

Everyone sat in stiff small talk for a while before Aegon rose from the chair and left the room whitout so much as a word, ser Arryk followed behind him. Alyssa exhaled and ate up the last of the food on the plate and stood from the seat. "Excuse me".

She walked with hard steps down the hall and up the stairs to their chamber. Sir Noah followed behind her and the noise from the Armor irritated her. "You are dismissed for the night, ser"

"Princess, my job is to follow you for your safet-"

"And my job is to give you orders, that you Will follow whitout questions. You are dismissed, ser." She ordered, the knight didin't questions her again and just bowed to leave. She continued to walk alone, enjoying the sound of her own steps.

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