15. A Token Of Friendship

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AT: Hello! There has been a four mounth time jump in this chapter, and I Will start puttning out these "~~~~" When i Change characters point of view. Enjoy the chapter.

"This one is very beautiful" Cassandra exclaimed and showed the dark blue silk fabric to Alyssa. She sat in her chair drinking wine while going through the gifts that had been sent from dorne, castlery rock, storms end, dragonstone and so on. Beautiful fabrics, jewelry, gold and silver had been sent to her for her nameday.

"yes it is, where is this one sent from?" she laied her cup down and stood from the chair. "From house Tully, Princess".

She spotted a neackles with a huge ruby and picked it up. "I assume this is from your house Joanna" She showed the neackles and the ladies nodded "It is, Princess. I hope it is to your liking." Alyssa gave her a smile.

"Princess, Dorne has sent these fabrics, and this box with jewelry" Tanya handled her the fabric and Alyssa inspected it, feeling on the smooth material. "I thank you and your house Mariell for these wonderful gifts."

Helaena was the only one who hadn't said anything. She sat on the couch and held a golden pedant with a tiny gem attached to it. Alyssa sat down beside her. "Is it new?"

She started to blush and laughed nervously. Alyssa was sure it was a gift from Daeron. Two moons ago they had a wedding and has been unseprable ever since. "I got it from Daeron" Alyssa smiled at her friends happynes. "Do you need help, puttning it on?"

She nodded and handled her the pendant. Helaena held her hair so that Alyssa could put it on for her. "There you go, perfect"

"If you don't Mind me asking, Princess. Where is the prince?" she stiffened at the question but tried to hide it with a smile. "I'm sure he is training or... Ehm visiting the queen."

"I saw him today, he is with Daeron" Said Helaena and put her hand on Alyssa's. Alyssa gave her a thankful smile for in truth she did not know where aegon was.


Aegon lied in bed breathless beside fallon who had her head on his chest. She chuckled and kissed him. He sat up on the bed and she followed, fallon reste her head on his shoulder and started to kiss up his neck.

"Would you like to go again, my prince" she whisperd as she tried to lay him down again. Aegon grabbed her hands gently so she would stop.

"I must go" was all he said as he stood up from the bed to dress. Fallon pouted and too stood from the bed to wrap her arms around him. "Will you be back tonight?" He glanced at her, caressed her cheek and nidded. "Of course I will"

He gives her a kiss and leaves. He had to go and get The gift for Alyssa's nameday, and since there would be yet another feast, he could not be late becuase he and Alyssa made a deal that hey would look like a loving couple, So that he could do what he wanted.

Aegon made his way through the tunnels of the castle to a space where he always kept his chlotes. Aegon changes out of the common once and put on a dark green tunic and black pants. The tunnels where dark and lacked space, but they where better than nothing.

He reached the secret door that led him to the library, close to the jewelry maker. But when he opened it and stepped out of the tunnel he saw Helaena, standing with her arms crossed. Like she had been waiting for him.

"Sister" He expressed in an equally as light tone like Helaena who could not be angry at enyone it seems. She gave him a kind smile. "Where have you been, brother? Nether I or Alyssa knew where you were"

"I was out, but now I am here and you my dear sister can come with me." He held out his arm for her to take but she seemed a bit doubtful.

"Where are we going?" Aegon laughed at her doubtfulness. "I ordered a gift for Alyssa a couple of moons ago and I need to get them." Helaena's face lit up and she took his arm gladly. "What is it?" she asked, it made her happy that he at least got her something.

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