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The moon dangled in the dark sky like a glowing silvery plate. Taehyung and Jimin walked side-by-side on the pavement, a comfortable silence blanketing them. It had been only a day since Jimin had, to Taehyung's utter astonishment, offered him a chance. The memory of that moment still sent a jolt through Taehyung. He'd never in his wildest dreams dared to believe he'd see the day Jimin wouldn't despise him. He had longed for the day when the anger in Jimin's eyes would fade, replaced by something kinder, something more. Now, that day had arrived, and a wave of unexpected fear washed over him. This long-awaited reconciliation, a wish held for years, now lay in his hands. It's up to him how he handles Jimin and his heart. 

The memory of Jimin's fury, the image of him aiming a gun with cold determination, was etched into Taehyung's mind. Dealing with that kind of hatred, while terrifying, felt strangely. . .  manageable. In a twisted way, it was almost easier to navigate. But this new Jimin, the Jimin who walked beside him, a silent beacon of trust and burgeoning affection, was a prospect far more daunting.

Taking a deep breath, Taehyung decided to break the comfortable silence. "So," he began, his voice slightly rough, "tell me about yourself, Jimin." The question seemed to catch Jimin off guard. He stopped walking abruptly, his brow furrowing in confusion. "About myself?" he echoed, his voice laced with surprise.

Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck, a nervous habit. "Yeah. I mean, we've known each other for a while now, haven't we? But honestly, I don't know much about you. Not the real you, you know?" Jimin's gaze softened slightly. "The real me?" he repeated, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"Yeah," Taehyung continued, his voice gaining confidence. "There's this angry, fierce side I've seen, and then there's the kind, compassionate side that saved me back there. But beyond that, I don't know your favorite color, your weirdest childhood memory, or even your favorite food." A sheepish grin spread across his face. "Maybe that's a little stalkerish, but you get the idea, right?"

A soft chuckle escaped Jimin's lips, the sound warming Taehyung from the inside out. "No, I get it," he said. "The truth is, I haven't really let anyone get close enough to know those things in a long time." Taehyung's heart ached for the pain that must have caused Jimin to build such high walls around himself. Yet, a spark of hope ignited within him. Maybe, just maybe, Jimin was starting to let those walls crumble, allowing him a glimpse into the person beneath.

𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | 𝐎𝐓7 • 𝐕𝐌𝐈𝐍 •Where stories live. Discover now