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Ten-year-old Jimin couldn't break his gaze away from the coin he was holding in his hand. His lips was puckered into a pout as he turned the coin over and over. He sighed as he scratched the tail side of the coin harshly, hoping to removed. For some reason, that seemed to irk him so much. Why do coins have two sides either way? It just made the coin look so ugly. 

"Jimin? I thought I told you to study," Jimin broke his gaze away from the coin to his father, who walked inside the room. Jimin held the coin tightly in his small hand, feeling the sharp edges pressing against his palm. He quickly stuffed it into his pocket when his father entered the room, but not before Park Wooseok noticed the movement.

"What's that in your hand, Jimin?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Jimin's eyes darted to the floor, avoiding his father's gaze.

"Nothing," he mumbled, kicking at a stray piece of paper on the ground.

Wooseok walked over and crouched down to meet his son at eye level. "Show me," he said gently, extending his hand.

Reluctantly, Jimin pulled the coin out of his pocket and handed it to his father. Wooseok examined it, noting the deep scratch marks on the tail side. He glanced at Jimin's troubled expression and handed the coin back to him.

"Why did you scratch it?" he asked, keeping his voice soft and non-threatening. Jimin shrugged, but his lower lip trembled slightly. "I just don't like it," he muttered, looking away. "It has two sides, and it's. . . it's not right."

Wooseok tilted his head, intrigued by his son's words. "What do you mean by 'it's not right'? Can you explain it to me?"

Jimin hesitated, then spoke in a low voice. "It's like. . . it's like the coin can't make up its mind. Is it heads or is it tails? Why can't it just be one or the other? Why does it have to be both?" His voice was tinged with frustration and confusion.

Wooseok nodded slowly, taking in his son's words. "You know, Jimin, coins need both sides to work. If it had only one side, it would be unbalanced. It wouldn't have any value. You need both heads and tails to make it a coin." Jimin frowned. "But I don't like the tails side. It looks ugly, and it's not as pretty as the heads." 

Wooseok smiled, trying not to laugh. He stood up and sat down, next to Jimin. "You know, Jimin, that's the thing about coins. They're supposed to have two sides. Each side tells a different part of the story. Sometimes there's a face, like a president or a historical figure, and on the other side, you might see something else, like a landmark or a symbol. It's not weird—it's what makes a coin valuable."

𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | 𝐎𝐓7 • 𝐕𝐌𝐈𝐍 •Where stories live. Discover now