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4 years ago.

"What's wrong with you, Taehyung? Seriously, are you here to just trouble me?!"

Jimin sighed as he watched Kim Daehyun shout at his son for the millionth time. He had been Taehyung's bodyguard⏤his undercover role⏤ for two months now, and by now, Daehyun shouting at Taehyung had become a norm to him.  He hated this whole family, Taehyung included, but he had to admit Taehyung had so much patience to be stll in the same roof as his pathetic excuse of a father. He couldn't careless though. He was a detective, on a undercover mission, here to put an end to Kim Daehyun illegal activities, and he planned to stick to that.

"What did I do this time, dad?" Taehyung let out in a tiring tone. Daehyun scoffed in reply, "What did you do? Don't you remember?" Taehyung's expression remained stoic, but Jimin could see the flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. Whatever transgression Daehyun accused him of, it was clear that Taehyung was already bracing himself for the inevitable verbal assault.

"I don't know what you're talking about, dad," Taehyung replied evenly, though Jimin could detect a hint of defiance in his tone. "I believe I asked you to take care of the shipments, Taehyung. But, you didn't even show up." Daehyun sneered at Taehyung, his voice dripping with disdain. "You're always so unreliable. Can't even handle a simple task."

Taehyung's jaw clenched, but he remained composed, refusing to let his father see how much his words wounded him. "I apologize, dad. It won't happen again." Daehyun scoffed, his eyes blazing with fury. "You're damn right it won't. If you can't even handle something as basic as this, what use are you to me? To this family?"

Jimin fought the urge to intervene, to defend Taehyung against his father's verbal onslaught. But he knew better than to jeopardize his cover. He was here to gather evidence, to bring down Daehyun and his criminal empire, and getting emotionally involved was not an option. Taehyung's shoulders sagged under the weight of his father's words, but he stood his ground, his gaze defiant. "I'll make it right, dad. I promise."

Daehyun's lip curled into a sneer of disgust. "You're all talk, Taehyung. Just like your worthless mother." The mention of his mother seemed to strike a nerve in Taehyung, but he quickly masked his emotions behind a facade of indifference. "I'll take care of it," he repeated, his voice devoid of any emotion.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Daehyun turned and strode out of the room, leaving Taehyung alone with Jimin. Jimin watched in silence as Taehyung's facade crumbled, his shoulders trembling with suppressed emotion. Despite his disdain for Taehyung, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for the younger man.

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