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The silence in the archive room stretched on, heavy with unspoken emotions. Jimin clutched the necklace in his hand, the silver cool against his palm, a tangible reminder of a childhood stolen. Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring the image of Taehyung across from him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jimin's voice cracked, barely a whisper. The question hung heavy in the air, a plea for understanding laced with a tinge of betrayal. "You knew all this time. You remembered me all this time, but still you didn't say a word?" A lone tear slid down Jimin's cheeks and Taehyung smiled sadly, "Would you have believed me, Jimin? If I told you, you would've thought I'm playing another sick game with you. I was always the bad guy to you." 

The accusation hung heavy in the air, sharper than any needle they'd ever endured in the sterile prison. Jimin flinched, the tear rolling down his cheek forgotten. Shame burned in his throat, a bitter echo of their childhood dynamic. He'd always seen Taehyung as the aloof one, the loner who kept secrets close to his chest. But now, he saw the fear that lurked behind those guarded eyes, the fear of being ostracized, of losing the fragile connection they had.

"Maybe," Jimin mumbled, voice thick with regret. "But wouldn't you have wanted me to believe? Even a flicker of hope back then, of remembering you, would have been better than the emptiness I felt all those years." Taehyung's smile turned wistful. He reached out, a hesitant hand hovering over Jimin's clenched fist. "I thought protecting you meant keeping you at a distance. Away from the darkness I carried within. Every single day when you used to doubt that I'm saving you for my sick revenge for a betrayal you did which didn't even matter to me, I wanted to scream that it was me, Jimin. The Taehyung you saved. That I wanted to believe you, trust you infinitely, because you were the only sliver of light in that darkness."

Taehyung hesitated, then continued, his voice barely above a murmur. "I wanted to tell you that no matter how many times you broke my trust, no matter how many times you doubted me, Jimin, I would have kept reaching out. Because you, Park Jimin, saved my life. You are the reason I have a life to even offer trust for."

The raw vulnerability in Taehyung's voice cracked the dam within Jimin. Tears streamed down his face, a torrent of guilt and long-buried longing. Unable to speak, he lunged forward, burying his face in Taehyung's shoulder, seeking solace in the unfamiliar warmth. Years of unspoken hurt, loneliness, and a desperate yearning for his lost friend poured out in a torrent of choked sobs.

Taehyung froze as he balanced Jimin's weight, his eyes widening in shock. He felt the elder's tears soaking his shirt and Taehyung let out a sad chuckle. Was Park Jimin really hugging him right now? The Jimin who loathed with all his spite? The same Park Jimin who chased him down all these years to lock him up in jail? Oh, how tables have turned. Hesitantly, Taehyung raised his hand to Jimin's back, but not exactly touching him, not sure if Jimin would want that. But, the way Jimin tightened his hold, Taehyung couldn't hold back from wrapping his arms around Jimin.

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