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Jimin was going absolutely crazy. He hadn't expected for Taehyung to know the truth about Kim Daehyun⏤ Taehyung's father who had killed Jimin's father. Jimin did consider telling about it to Taehyung after Jimin realised Taehyung wasn't a monster like Kim Daehyun, like Jimin thought he was and loathed him for. However, Jimin didn't wanted Taehyung to feel guilty for his father's crimes when Jimin already knew that Taehyung still beats himself up for being Kim Daehyun's son. So, Jimin intended to hide it, protect Taehyung from that guilt, the pain that guilt would bring Taehyung. 

Jimin was surprised, of course. At the same time, relieved that Taehyung knows and didn't push him away for it. That Taehyung didn't try to defend his father. But, he was forced to pretend that he loathed Taehyung for hiding it from him after he discovered a small camera in the parcel and he just knew that Daehyun was watching them⏤ a clever man, Jimin would give him that, but a fool to believe that Jimin wouldn't discover it. Did Daehyun think Jimin was dumb? Jimin was a detective, and a best one at that, of course, he had come across situations like this. Kim Daehyun should know better than to understimate him.

Jimin had lashed at Taehyung and walked into the washroom, intentionally, hoping Taehyung would follow him considering how persistent Kim Taehyung actually was. Like he had expected, Taehyung didn't disappoint him. He followed him to the washroom, giving Jimin a chance to let Taehyung know that this was just a play and that Jimin wasn't really leaving him and ended up freeing Taehyung from his guilt that seemed to have eat him up in whole.

Jimin's heart literally broke when he saw Taehyung breaking down, crying for him, because Taehyung had understood how hard it was for Jimin to love Taehyung, who had been the son of the very man who had killed Jimin's father, but Jimin fell for him anyway. Jimin won't lie. It was hard to be with Taehyung. All these years, Jimin had loathed Taehyung with everything, because Jimin believed Taehyung was a monster like his father. Jimin didn't blame him, because of course, four years ago, when Jimin was in undercover role as Taehyung's bodyguard, Jimin had watched Kim Daehyun abuse Taehyung a lot of times. However, everytime Jimin looked at the boy, he was reminded of his father's death. He couldn't face it and kept hating Taehyung because that seemed easier until it wasn't easy anymore. 

The realization was a dagger twisting in his chest. He had fallen in love with the son of his father's killer. A twisted irony, a cruel joke played by fate. How could he have allowed himself to feel this way? To care for someone connected to such unspeakable pain? Yet, there was no denying the truth. Taehyung had seeped into his life, a gentle warmth amidst the icy desolation, thawing the frozen ground of his heart.

Taehyung, despite his annoying cocky nature, had made Jimin fall for him completely even though Jimin kept denying his feeling. Because, this seemed fucked up, quite honestly. Falling in love with son of his father ex girlfriend? It was just quite complicated. When Jimin unknowingly came across a picture of his father and Taehyung's mother picture, Jimin had thought his father had an affair with another women and hated his father for it, however, when he looked further into it, listening to his detective guts, he had discovered that women was his ex girlfriend, whose husband had killed his father, to get revenge on his wife. 

What a cruel fate.

So, Jimin had entered the Kim's mansion 4 years ago, ready to destroy the Kim's family for what they had done to his father, but of course, it didn't go as expected and rest was history. When Taehyung revealed that Kim Daehyun was behind Project Chimera, it finally dawned on Jimin's mind about exactly why he was abducted. Killing his father wasn't enough for that power control freak, he had stoop so low and abduct him, making him traumatised for the rest of his life. 

Jimin knew this was far from over, for Jimin had an actual secret from Taehyung, something Taehyung would never forgive Jimin for keeping it from him. It would push Taehyung to believe that Jimin took a sick revenge on him, but however, Jimin had no choice. He had promised Jaesoo that he would keep it between them. All hell is going to break loose when the truth comes out, that's for sure.

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