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The pale moon dangled on the night sky as stars danced around the moon to the rhythm of the night cool breezy. It was a clear sky. Jimin let out a soft sigh as he stared out at the night sky from Taehyung's bedroom⏤ that's right, Kim Taehyung's bedroom. It had been three days since Taehyung was shot, and Jimin haven't left his side. He just couldn't do it, no matter how much he claimed he hated Taehyung. 

On other hand, Taehyung was really hard to take care of with his cocky attitude. In this three days, Jimin found Taehyung on his gym atleast once a day and Jimin had to remind him that he was just shot with a bullet and had to drag him back to the bed. Saying it was a hard task would be an understatement. Who would've thought that taking care of a dangerous 'criminal' would be this hard?

Criminal⏤ calling Taehyung that sounds funny to Jimin right now considering he knew Taehyung was not the real criminal here. His brother was the criminal this whole time, pinning all his crimes on Taehyung and framing him as the villian to the world. He wouldn't glorify and say Taehyung is not dangerous now that all the truth is out because Taehyung is still as dangerous as his brother is, but atleast he was more humane than Kim Jaesoo. 

Killing his own mother and putting the blame on Kim Taehyung, who loved no one but his mother and sending him to prison? That was a freaking low blow. During the time he was on undercover as Taehyung's bodyguard, Jimin understood if there is one person Kim Taehyung loved the most in this world and would die for⏤ it was his mother. Jimin have never met Kim Jaesoo during that time. He knew Taehyung had a brother and that was it. Taehyung's father? Well, Kim Taehyung hated his father, that was very much clear to Jimin. The amount of times Taehyung rebelled and tried to leave the house was uncountable, but his mother stopped him and Taehyung, being the mama's boy, stayed back for his mother and only his mother. 

Getting blamed for his mother death which was done by her elder son⏤ Jimin can't imagine how hard that must've been for Taehyung. Jimin would know, for he lost his father too. Though, he didn't get blamed for his father death like Taehyung was. Does it make it any better? 

Jimin scoffed softly as he turned around to look at Taehyung, was sleeping on his bed What was he doing? Is he really sympathizing the guy he hate the most in the world? The real question was⏤ does he even hate Taehyung anymore? It was hard to say. Everything he thought about Taehyung was proved wrong. Taehyung was not a criminal, but infact he was a detective who was on undercover. He helped Jungkook save his parents from his brother grips. He came to ask Jimin's help to take his own brother down. He was standing up for all the people who is losing their lives at Jaesoo grips. And. . . Taehyung risked his life and went out of his way to save Jimin's mother. How could Jimin hate Taehyung now?

𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | 𝐎𝐓7 • 𝐕𝐌𝐈𝐍 •Where stories live. Discover now