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It was ridiculous.

So ridiculous, to say the least. Park Jimin had never felt this much ridiculous through his whole life. What was he even thinking? Joining hands with Kim Taehyung⏤ a most dangerous criminal in the underground and the person he had been trying to put behind the bars⏤ to take down another dangerous criminal. How ridiculous was that?

He should smack Jungkook's head for this crazy idea.

"Why did I even agree to this?" Jimin muttered to himself, rubbing his temples as if attempting to physically erase the perplexing situation. The very thought of teaming up with Taehyung, a man with a criminal record longer than Jimin's arm, sent a chill down his spine. Yet, somewhere in the labyrinth of logic and necessity, Jungkook's words had found a foothold. 

Hell, he was even risking his job by teaming up with Taehyung.

Jimin found himself in an inconspicuous location, the agreed-upon meeting point with Taehyung. He couldn't deny the irony of the situation — a detective willingly walking into the lion's den, hoping to outsmart the lion himself. 

The location was none other than Taehyung's mansion, a very familiar place where he used to work as Taehyung's bodyguard, an undercover mission. This place held so many bitter memories. Jimin stared at the big gates infront of the mansion. He honked the horns, catching the attention of the securities. One of them walked toward his car and leaned down, "Your name."

Jimin hesitated for a moment before responding, "Detective Park. I'm here to see Taehyung." The security guard eyed him suspiciously, but after a brief exchange through the intercom, the gates slowly creaked open. Jimin drove in, the imposing mansion looming in front of him.

He parked the car, took a deep breath, and stepped out. The echoes of his footsteps seemed louder than usual as he walked towards the entrance. The memories of his time undercover in Taehyung's operation flooded back⏤ the danger, the secrecy, the thin line between law and crime.

Before he could step in, a guard stopped him, eyeing him with suspicion. Jimin met the guard's gaze with a cool confidence, fully aware that entering Taehyung's territory meant scrutiny. The guard, a burly man with a stern expression, crossed his arms and spoke, "Hold on, Detective. We need to check you for any weapons." The guard eyed Jimin suspiciously, his gaze narrowing as he observed the detective's every move. Jimin, aware of the scrutiny, maintained an air of nonchalance. However, as the guard patted him down, he felt the familiar shape of his concealed weapon against his side. The guard's eyes shot towards Jimin, his demeanor turning stern.

𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | 𝐎𝐓7 • 𝐕𝐌𝐈𝐍 •Where stories live. Discover now