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Aurelia moved her hair around, trying to get a look at her scalp. She had woken up that morning like she had smacked her head on something, it had caused a head ache to spread across her brain. She had only woken up briefly the night before, after that she had gotten changed and went straight to bed. But now she was fully awake, her body was able to function at a full rate.

Allowing her to feel the banging pain in her head. 

Aurelia rolled her eyes at herself, she probably smacked it in her sleep although it was strange that she hadn't woke up from the pain. Aurelia brushed her self off quickly, have one last check of her outfit. She huffed before she opened her bedroom door and began walking down the stairs.

A knock at the door made her quicken her pace, she rushed towards the wooden door before opening it to reveal a sad expression Elena. This made Aurelia's smile fall that she had, had plastered on her face for whoever would show when the door opened. "Oh" was all Aurelia could muster, "Can I come in?" She asked.

"Of course" Aurelia let a smile creep back onto her face as she widened the door, allowing Elena to step inside, Aurelia then closed the door. "Take a seat" Aurelia pointed towards the living room, the girls walked in and took their seats at the sofa.

Elena sighed when she got herself comfortable, she began picking at her nails. Aurelia watched her carefully, she wondered why she hadn't spoken. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong or am I going to have to play a guessing game?" Aurelia asked which made Elena look up, cracking a small smile. "Sorry" she apologised, "don't apologise, whatever happened is bothering you" Aurelia began as she grabbed a cushion and grasped it in her arms.

"So lay it all on me, I'm listening" Aurelia finished. Elena turned her body to face Aurelia more, smiling at her. "Okay" Elena nodded as she pushed some hair behind her ear, "I went to Stefan's house to see him and when I knocked on the door his brother, who I never knew he had, opened it" Elena began her rant. Aurelia nodded intrigued into Elena's story.

"Does this brother have a name?" Aurelia asked and Elena thought, "yes" she nodded, she was racking her brain for the name he had said at the door. Aurelia watched as she thought back and then practically watched the light bulb click in her head, "Damon" she stated. "Damon?" Aurelia repeated, wasn't that the guy who helped with her car?

"Yeah" Elena nodded, "by the look on your face you look like you know something" Elena noticed. Aurelia snapped out of it, "yeah I met him briefly. My car door wouldn't open and he helped me" She summarised, Elena nodded. "Surprised he helped you, he seems to be a complete dick" Elena ranted. "and not to mention a little strange" She added.

Aurelia could understand that, like how he had completely disappeared when he was right there.

"I take it he was a dick to you?" Aurelia suggested, "I'll finish the story" Elena smiled which made Aurelia nod. "Well to cut a long story short, he was telling me about Stefan's ex girlfriend" Elena looked upset when she spoke about it. "What a dick move" Aurelia agreed as she was shaking her head. He was obviously trying to get under her skin.

"Why would you say that to her" Stefan complained to his brother, who didn't look at all bothered by his complaining. He seemed more amused by the way he had gotten his brother so wound up, all over some girl who looked identical to a past lover.

"Did you hear me? Why would you say that!?" Stefan spoke much slower with his last question, Damon looked up at him. "Because I was bored, making people upset is entertainment" Damon chuckled as he spoke it. "Why Elena though? There's plenty of other girls in Mystic Falls to mess around with" Stefan didn't realise what he has said until he did.

Immediately regretting his choice of words as he watched his brothers smirk grow on his face. 

"You're right" Damon walked towards Stefan, "I mean there is that lovely girl" he huffed as he placed his hands on Stefan's shoulders. "Very pretty, she has a pretty name too. Shame I can't seem to remember it" He lied, "Damon" Stefan slowly spoke. He could see his brother was lying to add more annoyance towards Stefan.

"That's right" Damon pretend as if he suddenly remembered. "Aurelia" he stated, "pretty name eh?" He suggested and Stefan realised just who he was talking about. "No Damon you stay away from her" he snapped, "why's that? You have Elena" Damon defended. "This is different and you know it!" Stefan argued.

"You listen to me, she is Elena's friend which means she is my concern. You stay away from her and do not hurt her" Stefan threatened. Damon shrugged, "I will make no promises brother" he smirked as he backed away from Stefan.

Stefan turned around and walked up to his room, wanting to be away from his psychotic, crazy bother. He paced around his room, letting his brain take control.He needed to guarantee Aurelia's safety for two reasons, firstly she was kind to him and he ought to return that. Secondly, she was Elena's friend which meant that she meant something to Elena. Stefan wanted Elena's happiness and with that came keeping her friends safe and alive.

He needed to somehow find a way to keep Aurelia safe at all times.

"Shit" Aurelia looked down at the time on her car, pushing on the gas a little more. It had been a day since she had spoken to Elena and she had managed to make her a little happier when she left. Now she was late for a meet up with Elena and Caroline, she knew Caroline was going to kick off when she arrived.

Aurelia pulled her car into a parking space, not caring how bad her parking was. Aurelia opened the door and hopped out of the car and slammed it behind her, she practically ran towards the agreed spot the girls would meet at. "Look what the cat dragged in" Caroline snapped as Aurelia stopped in front of the pair.

Elena gave her a sorry look.

"Sorry, car difficulties" Aurelia panted as she lied. "Whatever, I said we would meet at ten! What's the time now?" Caroline challenged. Aurelia looked around for a clock, "I actually don't know" she couldn't be asked to look anymore. "It is half past Ten!" She screeched. Aurelia looked down, "I'm sorry Caroline" she apologised.

"Now since you missed the flyer handing out" Caroline made it very clear that she was annoyed about that. "We've not got much to do" she sighed, she then stared off behind Aurelia. "Well all is forgiven now" Caroline quickly looked back to Aurelia before liking back to whatever she had been looking at. "Really? I'm off that easy?" Aurelia was a little puzzled, she looked over at Elena who seemed to feel the same. "I'm going to go to the bathroom" Elena quickly spoke up.

"Okay, be quick" Aurelia smiled, scared to be left alone with Caroline because she could be lying about forgiving her. "I'm sorry Caroline" she apologised again. 

"Whatever" Caroline waved her hand to have Aurelia be quiet, "who's that guy?" She asked which made Aurelia turn around. Her eyes locked onto some familiar blue ones, he wasn't starting at Caroline. He was staring at her her, she felt a shiver go up her spine. "Aurelia" Stefan spoke which made Aurelia jump, "sorry" he apologised.

Stefan sent a glare over towards his brother, "I'm going to see who that was" Caroline smiled as she walked off. "Hey Stefan" she smiled, wondering what he wanted. He looked into her eyes, "you will stay away from Damon" he spoke clearly. All of a sudden, a strong urge to stay away from Damon took over.

She had no desire to go anywhere near that boy.

Night Crawler, Damon Salvatore ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now