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Aurelia sat in her room, wondering if what Isobel had said was true. Did he love her? But why would or should she take her word for it, she was a bad person and probably was trying to stir something up. But that didn't explain why Damon has tensed up when she had said it, he didn't mention to her anything about it after Isobel has left with the device.

The device that had been disabled.

From downstairs a cough fit could be heard, Aurelia began to worry. She then heard a crash and some more coughing.

"Aurelia!" Her mother screamed in agony, Aurelia felt panic mode settle in. She raced down the stairs to her mother who was on the floor, just about holding herself up with her hands. Below her was a pool of blood, she coughed some more and it spluttered out. "Mum" Aurelia stammered in worry as she knelt down beside her, "can you help me up?" Her mother croaked as Aurelia hulled her to her feel. "What happened?" Aurelia asked and her mother shrugged.

"I think-" she began but coughed some more blood out, managing to catch it in a tissue this time. "I think somethings seriously wrong but I don't want it" Her mother was making no sense, "don't want what?" Aurelia asked as she helped her mother sit down on the sofa.

She seemed delirious, looking around like she was looking for something. Maybe even looking for someone.

"I don't want an ambulance" she spoke as she grabbed onto her daughter, her grip weak. "Okay, okay I get it" Aurelia nodded, knowing that she couldn't have gotten her an ambulance anyway. "Can you do something for me?" Her mother seemed out of control, her eyes dark.

"Mum?" Aurelia shook her a little, "can you do something for me?" She repeated in a lower tone. Aurelia felt obliged to nod, "go to my room and check my bedside table" her tone and mannerism was strange now. "Okay" Aurelia stammered as she stood to her feet, her mother snapped out of whatever trance she was in and was back to her normal weak self.

That had never happened before, someone could gain control over her meaning she was in danger. Aurelia rushed upstairs and into her mothers room, she immediately saw a yellow piece of paper placed on top of her beside table. Aurelia approached it with caution, she snatched it from the table and began to read the scribbled writing.

'Go to the parade and she'll be fine'

Aurelia let a gasp escape, a quiet one though. Whoever she was dealing with was dangerous and strong, and she wasn't about to take her chances with them. If she didn't go and ended up staying with her mother she could end up being the reason for her and her mothers deaths, or maybe just her mothers.

Aurelia felt herself tearing up the piece of paper, she threw it in the bin. Even though her mother didn't know she promised her that she would not let anything happen to her, she would do anything to keep her alive for as long as possible as at the end of the day she couldn't live without her mother. Her mothers death would be the ultimate destruction of her.

Night Crawler, Damon Salvatore ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now