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A day had passed and afternoon had hit, Aurelia was scared. Scared for what was to happen, she had even thought about packing up her stuff and moving everyone she cared about far far away from this town. But she knew that she couldn't, she wouldn't have time. Aurelia looked around her room, this could be her last day.

She hated to be all gloom and doom but it could well be true. This organisation had to be apart of this, and tonight she would finally find out what it all meant. But it could also be the end of her, a price she would have to pay for the protection of her friends and her mother.

Aurelia grabbed her phone, she didn't want to die and death was her biggest fear. So maybe there was a way to cheat in all of this, she needed a cry for help but yet she couldn't tell anyone what she was doing. She clicked on Elena's contact number and let the phone ring, soon it went to voicemail and she pulled the phone away and set it on her desk.

"Why would you bother?" Elena complained as she held her arms across her chest, Damon continued driving "because you crashed your car and needed help" he sighed "Trust me if it was on the table I would have rather been alone" he added and she rolled her eyes. "Then stop the car and let me go" she stated and he laughed, "and let you walk home from a place you don't even know?" Damon asked and Elena accepted her defeat.

"Well at the least can I have my phone back?" She suggested and he dug around in his pocket, keeping his eyes on the road. He threw her phone over to her and she caught it swiftly, she opened it. "Shit" she cursed and he finally looked away from the road, "what?" He asked. "I missed a call from Aurelia thanks to you" she snapped and he looked back at the road, not saying anything. 

Elena called Aurelia back and put her phone to her ear. "Hello?" Her voice sounded sad, "Aurelia I'm so sorry I missed your call" she apologised. "I was busy" she glared over at Damon who shrugged, "what's up?" Elena looked away from him again and watched the road in front of her. "I just wanted to let you know something" Aurelia slowly spoke, worrying Elena.

Damon listened into the conversation, sparking a sudden interest.

"Let me know what?" Elena asked nervously, "promise me you won't freak out because it's just a precaution" Aurelia tried to explain which only made both Elena and Damon worry more. "I promise" Elena slowly spoke, although she didn't think she would keep it. "If you don't hear from me by tomorrow night..." Aurelia trailed and Damon slowed down the car, like already he was thinking about turning around.

"What do you mean?" Elena hurried her as she looked over at Damon who was already looking at her "If you don't hear from me by tomorrow night please help" she blurted and Damon braked on the car. Elena's eyes widened and Damon was ready to turn the car back around, "what's happening?" Elena asked her voice laced with concern. "Nothings happening" Aurelia quickly defended.

Night Crawler, Damon Salvatore ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now