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Aurelia straightened out her dress, she admired it in the mirror. This dress was the best she owned, she loved it. A soft knock at her door turned her attention elsewhere, "come in" Aurelia called and the door opened to reveal her mother. Bonnie's spell still hadn't worn off, her mother was walking around and could function well. She now just seemed like she had a genuine flu, she gave her daughter a warm smile.

"You look incredible" She smiled, "thank you" Aurelia thanked as she looked over at her mother. "Now there's one more thing you need to do" her mother sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Your hair" she added and Aurelia let a smile grow largely on her face. 

Aurelia looked at herself in the mirror again, she wasn't sure on what to do with her hair and that's why she had left it until last. Her makeup and clothing was all sorted out and ready to go but her hair, the more she thought the more she just wanted to straighten it. She thought that it would look great with the dress, problem was she didn't want to miss a section.

"Sit down" her mother walked towards her, "why?" Aurelia hummed while looking back at her mother. "I can see by your face that you can't do it yourself" her mother laughed, Aurelia caved as she slumped down into her chair. "Now what would my beautiful daughter like?" She asked as she rested her head on top of Aurelia's. "Can you just straighten it please?" Aurelia asked and her mother smiled widely. "Of course I can" she nodded as she she grabbed the straightening iron from the side of the vanity and plugged it all in.

It wasn't long until Aurelia's mother was straightening her hair, piece by piece. After Aurelia's father had gone missing, her mother had been there for her. Although she was hurting herself she still put a brave face on every single day and was there for her daughter, giving her hope. After all that time Aurelia had to admit she admired her mum and had grown to love her even more than she had before.

She had become a Mummy's girl.

She wouldn't know what to do with herself if she ever lost her, Aurelia knew her dad had not gotten out and was weak. Maybe even dead, and if he was and she was to lose her mum she would have no parents left. That would ruin her.

Aurelia fought back tears as she thought of it, she managed to do it well as her mother didn't realise. The warmth of the hot hair strands could be felt on her back as her mother finished the last piece, "there you go" she smiled as Aurelia stood up. "Beautiful as ever" she complimented and Aurelia automatically felt herself hug her.

"I love you mum" she spoke, "I love you too sweetheart" her mother mumbled back into the hug. "You have to go or you'll be late" she pulled away from the hug, "yeah" Aurelia nodded as the two walked out of the room. Just as Aurelia closed her bedroom door she quickly slipped her heels on which she had been holding in her hand.

Night Crawler, Damon Salvatore ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now