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"Do you have any idea on who that was?" Stefan asked the two girls who were sat on the sofa, not knowing what to think or say. Damon paced a little around the room, he had arrived shortly after Stefan and in what seemed like to aid and help. "No I've never seen him before" Aurelia spoke up, Stefan nodded and then looked at Elena. She looked back at him, "his face was covered with a hood. I could barely see him" Elena admitted and Stefan thought.

"Have you invited anyone in recently?" He asked and Elena suddenly looked like she knew it, "Jeremy invited the pizza guy in the other night" she spoke and Stefan sighed. "Well now this pizza guy vampire can come into your house whenever he pleases" Damon piped up and Elena rolled her eyes.

"He's got a point" Aurelia sighed, "your in danger Elena" she grabbed Elena's hand and she looked at her. "What do we suggest we do?" Elena surrendered. Stefan and Damon looked at each other, either one wanting to come up with some sort of a plan. "There's a dance tonight" Damon suddenly spoke and Stefan looked a little worried at what his brother was to say, both Aurelia and Elena turned their attention to him.

"He's bound to be there, so I say we use Elena as bate to draw him in" Damon began but was cut off "no way!" Stefan snapped but Elena then protested "no he's got a plan and it sounds good" she spoke and Aurelia sat quietly. "If we go then we can use me as something to draw him in and then you guys can kill him and this was all be over" Elena spoke and Stefan surrendered.

"Okay" Stefan nodded. "What part do I play in all of this?" Aurelia suddenly spoke causing all attention to go onto her, "your not coming" Damon spoke. "It's too dangerous" he added and she shrugged, "you don't have to tell me twice" she stood up from the sofa. She didn't want to be in harms way again that night, she just wanted to have one night out of danger.

Elena grabbed her coat and Stefan followed, Aurelia noticed Damon stayed behind. "Don't go anywhere, stay inside preferably or at the very least stay with someone" he suggested, "okay" she nodded and he gave her a small some-what smile before leaving the room. Once she heard the front door close, she decided to grab her phone.

The last thing she wanted was to be alone, she quickly called Bonnie and waited for her to pick up.

"Hello?" Bonnie's voice spoke.

"Bonnie where are you right now?" Aurelia asked with hope in her voice that she wasn't at the dance.

"Me and Caroline are at the grill the dance was a bore, care to join us?" Bonnie asked.

"I'll be there as quick as I can" Aurelia replied and then hung up the phone. She gathered her stuff and raced out the front door and towards her car, she tossed her belongings in the back seat before starting the car up. 

Aurelia opened the door to the grill, she stepped inside and the warmth surrounded her. She scanned her eyes around the building until they set on a blonde and brunette duo, she walked towards them quickly and took a seat next to Caroline. "Finally" Caroline joked and Aurelia lightly elbowed her, "you look great" Bonnie smiled.

"Yeah shame I really couldn't be asked to go to that dance" Aurelia lied slightly, Bonnie nodded and Caroline agreed. "Anyway we were just taking about taking a leap of faith" Bonnie then eye balled Caroline and she crossed her arms over her chest, "explanation please" Aurelia hummed. "I've been trying to get Caroline to talk to Matt because they have a little thing going on" Bonnie explained and Aurelia allowed her jaw to drop.

"Matt as in Matt Donavon?!" Aurelia whisper yelled and Bonnie nodded. "It's not a thing it's um" Caroline stammered, Aurelia gave her a warm smile. "If you like him go and talk to him, I won't stand in your way plus you need that someone in your life" Aurelia spoke and Caroline looked over at her and then turned around to see Matt.

He was cleaning some tables, she huffed as she faced back towards Bonnie. 

"Well you've been eyeballing Ben the whole time so your being a bit hypocritical" Caroline suggested and Aurelia looked back to Bonnie. "Well I have a plan" she put her hand up, "how about both of you take that leap of faith" Aurelia shrugged. Caroline said nothing and looked at her shoes, "fine" Bonnie surprisingly said as she got up from her seat and walked towards the bar where Ben was stationed.

"Oh my god" Caroline said in shock, Aurelia and Caroline watched as Bonnie was seemingly flirting with Ben and he was returning it. "If she can do it" Caroline mustered the strength to get up, "so can I" she nodded as Aurelia moved out the way to allow her to go and speak to Matt.

"I'm proud of you" Aurelia quickly applauded her and Caroline smiled as she walked towards him. Bonnie rushed back towards the table with a skip in her steps and a gleaming smile on her face, she sat down and Aurelia looked at her. "What's made you so happy?" Aurelia asked, "well if you must know I have a date with Ben" Bonnie hummed and Aurelia leaned over the table to hug her. 

"I'm so happy for you" she smiled as she sat down in her seat, "thank" Bonnie thanked but the smile soo faded when she watched Matt storm away from Caroline and the Caroline storm out of the grill. "Oh" Aurelia's voice had a less happy tone to it now, "I'm sure they'll work things out" Bonnie nodded and Aurelia agreed "probably".

"Let's change the subject" Bonnie had noticed that the conversation had gotten quite glum, "what's going on with you and Damon?" She asked and Aurelia almost chocked on air. "Nothing" Aurelia rushed while shaking her head, "Nothing?" Bonnie repeated and Aurelia thought for a moment. She could trust Bonnie with her whole heart and she kind of wanted some outside opinion on what on earth was going on.

"I don't know" Aurelia admitted and Bonnie smiled after she spoke. "Tell me everything" Bonnie sighed and Aurelia nodded, "so we kissed" Aurelia began "twice" she added and Bonnie looked shocked. "Okay" she nodded along, "twice as in two different occasions?" She asked and Aurelia nodded. "And he told me he cared about me and I told him I cared about him" Aurelia rushed through her words again and Bonnie gave her a small smile.

"Well if you want my opinion here it is" Bonnie began, "I don't like Damon at all" she made clear and Aurelia watched as she spoke. "However, he's always the first one to save you or protect you" Bonnie exclaimed. "As much as I think he's a bad person it doesn't matter what I think, I can see there is something between you two but both of you have to admit it" Bonnie finished.

Aurelia went to speak when her phone lit up, a message from Elena:

'Long story short, I defended myself against the vampire and Stefan killed him. I'll give you more details later, let Bonnie know'.

Night Crawler, Damon Salvatore ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now