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He stared at her intensely, like he was mad. Understandable, she had gave him a piece of her mind not too long ago so she took it that he was a little pissed off about that. She didn't care though, that was her aim after all. She wanted to get under his skin like he had done to Elena.

She didn't care if it sparked a hatred between the two.

"What are you doing here?" Aurelia asked, "we've come to join you" Damon spoke up his voice low.

"Did Elena invite you?" Aurelia asked, confused as to why they were there. Neither of them replied, Aurelia stared at them blanking, what was up with them? "Help me out here" she grew desperate for an answer. "Who's at the door?" Elena's voice called, Aurelia opened the door wider so Elena could see. "Caroline" she smiled, "Damon" she kept the smile. Aurelia look over at him, he wore a smug expression and that angered her.

"I hope it's okay if we join you?" Caroline suggested. "Yeah" Elena began as Stefan walked towards the commotion, he stopped in his tracks when he saw Damon. "Elena" Stefan slowly spoke and Aurelia watched as Damon rolled his eyes, like he knew what his brother was going to say "don't invite him in. He's unwanted" Stefan snapped as he looked at his brother.

"How rude" Damon pretended to be hurt, Aurelia scoffed which made him to look straight at her. "Please don't let him in" Stefan spoke more quietly now, the way he looked desperate for his brother not to come in worried Aurelia a bit. What could be so bad that Stefan wouldn't want his own blood near him, why did he not want him in the house?

"Nonsense" Elena ignored Stefan's begs and took over from holding the door, gently pushing Aurelia out the way. "Come on in" she invited which made Damon have a look of success plastered on his face. He stepped inside the house, Stefan glaring at him as he did so. "Elena can I have a word?" Stefan asked and Elena nodded, she gave Aurelia a small smile and followed Stefan into another room. 

"Aurelia how come you didn't tell me about this little gathering?" Caroline asked, bringing Aurelia's attention back to her. "Slipped my mind" Aurelia shrugged, she watched as Caroline moved a scarf around her neck to sit more comfortable. "What's with the scarf? You never wear them" Aurelia pointed out, she watched as Damon tensed.

"I can't answer that" Caroline spoke, Aurelia furrowed her eye brows. "What do you mean you can't answer that?!" Aurelia said with confusion. "Stop being so pushy" Damon snapped as he walked towards Aurelia, "I don't remember asking for your opinion" Aurelia confidently replied.

He looked at her, like he was so confused on how she could talk to him like that. Anger was practically steaming off of him, Aurelia gave him a small and fake smile before turning on her heel and leaving.

The urge Damon had to grab her and force her to face him again before making her scared of him. Make her fear him, make her run away. But he didn't fulfil that urge, instead he watched as she walked away.

Night Crawler, Damon Salvatore ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now