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Aurelia was concerned about Elena, the fact that she had just found out she was adopted was crazy. But that wasn't all, Aurelia had met up with Elena earlier that day and had found out some disturbing news. Elena looked identical to Katherine.

They were the same person, just different souls. That's what it had felt like to Elena at least, she had seen a picture of Katherine that Stefan had and she had bolted just before Aurelia was kidnapped. She didn't want to bother Aurelia about that since she had been through a tough time.

Elena had gone home to think about everything that had happened and Aurelia decided to pop in the grill for a drink. She knew Matt worked there now, as much as she hated him maybe she could make amends so he could supply her free drinks. Maybe he could even slip some alcoholic drinks to her as well. 

Aurelia opened the grills doors and stepped inside, she scanned her eyes around the room and the latched onto Matt who was wiping the bar. She knew he wouldn't buy it so she had to put on some sort of a show, she took in a deep breath and slowly released it before she walked towards him. As she stopped right behind the bar he looked up and had to take a double look at who was standing there.

"What do you want" he snapped, not wanting to argue with her. "That's no way to greet a customer" Aurelia sighed with a grin on her face, she couldn't help it. "If your here to make me miserable you can just leave" he suggested as he went to walk away, "no I'm not here for that" she quickly spoke which made him stop and face her again, awaiting an answer.

"I'm here to say sorry for being such a dick to you" she apologised and he gave her a funny look before laughing. "You expect me to believe that crap?" He asked and she scoffed, "I thought that was good" she defended and he rolled his eyes. Aurelia looked to the side of her to see Bonnie talking to the new bartender. "Who's that?" Aurelia asked as she nodded her head towards the bartender.

"Ben, he used to go to school he was older than us" Matt clarified, Aurelia watched the closely. By their body language and the way they seemed to be talking, they were flirting. "Oh my god" Aurelia thought out loud and Matt looked back towards her, confused. "What?" He asked and she faced him again, "they are flirting" she laughed a little as she went back to looking.

"Bonnie? Flirting?" Matt seemed a little shocked, "I knew she had it in her" Aurelia smiled. "But I must say I didn't expect it to be with such a stud" Aurelia joked and Matt laughed a little. "See I'm not that bad!" Aurelia took notice of him laughing, she faced him again. "Yeah I suppose" Matt sighed.

Aurelia quickly looked back to see Bonnie now leaving, she walked towards the exit. "As much as I would love to stay here and chat with you, I need to see what's happening between Ben and my best friend" Aurelia sarcastically spoke and Matt rolled his eyes. She turned on her heel and rushed outside, she just about managed to meet Bonnie as she raced out the building.

"Ben huh?" Aurelia caught Bonnie's attention as she turned around, "oh god please don't tell me you were watching me like some creepy stalker in there" Bonnie huffed and Aurelia nodded "more or less" she admitted with a smile on her face. "Elena told me what happened" Bonnie suddenly changed the subject and Aurelia's mood changed.

"Oh right" Aurelia stammered a little, "yeah that" she let all the thoughts of her father flash back. The thoughts she had forced herself to push to the back of her brain, the ones she didn't want to see anymore. "How are you?" Bonnie asked and Aurelia shrugged "I'm hanging in there" she smiled softly, "I wish this never had to happen to you" Bonnie admitted and Aurelia nodded "same".

"Well I've got to go" Bonnie pointed towards her car, "yeah I'll talk to you later?" Aurelia suggested and Bonnie nodded as she unlocked her car. 

Aurelia could hear her phone ringing and began digging around in her bag. She finally found it and brought it towards her ear, "hello?" She said "Aurelia I've found out more information" Elena's voice sounded exhausted. Aurelia had a funny feeling she had spent a lot of time finding out more information from Stefan and whatever other sources she had access to.

"Tell me everything, I'm listening" Aurelia sighed as she took a seat on the curb, she knew his could be a long conversation.

"Basically my parents were trying to have a baby for a long time and a girl came to their porch, she gave birth and decided she couldn't look after the baby" Elena began as Aurelia wiped some dirt off of her shoe "poor girl" Aurelia sighed. "So then my parents decided they would keep the baby and since my dad was a doctor he sorted out all of the paperwork" Elena continued.

"Do you know anything about this girl that gave you up? A name maybe?" Aurelia suggested. "I asked my aunt Jenna and she said she only knew a first name" Elena had hope in her voice as Aurelia awaited the answer.

"Her name was Isobel" Elena broke the news, "Isobel? I've never heard of an Isobel we know" Aurelia had hoped it was someone in town, but that was stupid of her to think. "That's not all" Elena continued, "there's more?" Aurelia sounded shocked and Elena laughed a little. "Yup and it's even more of a shocker" Elena said and Aurelia sighed as she stood up, suddenly thinking that she may need to be sat down for this one.

"Isobel is also the name of Alaric's dead wife" Elena spoke, "Alaric as in our history teacher" Aurelia sounded unsure. "Yes" Elena agreed, "hey can you come round to get ready, I kind of want to see your face when I tell you more" Elena suddenly suggested, there was a party that night. A 60s themed party at the school was happening that night.

Aurelia was obviously roped into it already and didn't exactly have a say in if she went or not. "Yeah I'll be round in twenty minutes?" Aurelia spoke.

"See you then".

"Finally" Elena sighed as she opened the door to reveal Aurelia, "okay I underestimated time" Aurelia emitted and Elena opened the door wider allowing Aurelia to walk inside. The two walked upstairs and got changed into their outfits, before long the two had completely finished their hair and makeup.

Elena was now in the bathroom, leaving Aurelia alone on her bed. Aurelia had noticed that the compass that she had used to help Damon was on the bed, it made her think back to that night. The night they first kissed and then they did it again, she once again didn't know what to say to him. Just looking at the compass made her think about how much she enjoyed it.

But when she heard the clicking noise of the arms turning, her eyes widened. She watched as the compass began spiralling, their was a vampire near. "Elena?" Aurelia spoke out, yet she had no reply. "Elena!" She now shouted, Elena came rushing out. "What?" She asked with worry, "the compass" Aurelia pointed and Elena looked down at the compass.

"God" Elena sounded scared as she grabbed her phone, "I'll call Stefan" she spoke as she clicked on his number and awaited for him to answer. Instead, she got a very different answer to what she was expecting "Damon?" Elena sounded confused and Aurelia sat up straight at the sound of his name. "Oh okay" Elena sounded relieved as she put down the phone.

"Stefan's on his way round, it's probably him" Elena smiled and Aurelia let out a sigh of relief as she lifted herself off of the bed. "Let's go wait downstairs, I'm sure he won't be long now" Elena suggested and the two girls began to walk down the stairs. Just as they reached the bottom someone came out of no where and began the attack.

Elena was hit down and he looked up at Aurelia, for a moment she feared he was part of this organisation. But he looked at her like she was unneeded, like he didn't know her. This was different to the others, this time he was someone else and had no clue about the organisation. He was after Elena, but he would fail to do so.

Stefan bolted in and grabbed him before he could hurt Elena, the man practically evaporated into thin air. Elena grabbed onto Stefan out of fear, he checked over her to make sure she was okay and thankfully she was. He then turned to Aurelia, "are you okay?" He asked and she nodded "it wasn't me that man was after" Aurelia admitted and Stefan grew a worried expression on his face.

Night Crawler, Damon Salvatore ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now