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Three days had gone by, quickly too. It had been a strange few days, Aurelia has felt that sensation of someone starting all most  all the time. It made those days unbearably uncomfortable for her, she never felt alone. Even at this moment in time, she felt like she had company and yet she would look around and no one was there.

She was completely alone, or so she thought.

Aurelia stood in front of her mirror, distracting herself so she didn't think about that same sensation that was there. She hated it, but she seemed to be the only one going through something. Most people would think Caroline would still be upset or maybe even distraught, not only had all secrets been revealed but obviously Damon and her had gone separate ways now.

But yet she was back to her usual self, happy as ever. Aurelia had been expecting to be comforting her non stop but she hadn't needed too, Caroline was now misters dragging her to do some charitable car wash at the school. Aurelia really didn't want to, but she felt like Caroline could possibly be bottling everything up and keeping herself together. She agreed to do it only to make sure she doesn't break and spiral out of control.

Damon had been gone for those three days too, Aurelia had noticed. Normally she would see him within at least a day but he was gone, she thought that maybe he had left town after what had happened. That would be good, because that way Caroline would never have to see him again and won't be reminded of what he did to her.

Aurelia had agreed to come to the car wash under one condition, she didn't actually do any of the washing. She would just be there to grab things when needed, she didn't really fancy being in a bikini top why washing someone's car. 

Aurelia walked towards her door, she turned around checking to see if anyone was there. She sighed before turning back around, an empty room again. She was obviously relieved that no one was actually there but why was her brain constantly alerting her that someone was there and looking right at her? It scared her and she wasn't afraid to admit it to herself.

But to others, she was a little afraid to admit it. She hadn't told anyone about what she had been experienced those last three days, she was scared they would call her crazy. She knew deep down that they wouldn't be like that. Plus Caroline was going through something, even though she wasn't showing it, and she didn't want to add anything else for the friend group to be worrying about.

It didn't take Aurelia long to arrive at the school, she walked towards Caroline who was already bossing everyone around. "Your on time!" Caroline cheered as she spotted Aurelia, "on time just for you" Aurelia hugged her. "I'm so proud of you" Caroline joked as she pulled away, Aurelia gave her a small smile. "So where am I stationed this fine day?" Aurelia questioned, "At the desk with Elena" Caroline pointed towards a desk where Elena waved.

Night Crawler, Damon Salvatore ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now