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"Aurelia" Elena panted as she flopped down onto her bed, pulling her into a hug. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here" she apologised and Aurelia hugged her back tightly. "It's okay, I had Stefan, Damon and Sheila" Aurelia explained and Elena gave her a smile. "Whoever is doing this to you, we will find them and stop this" Elena promised and Aurelia nodded her head. "I hope so" she agreed, she then looked around.

"Where's Bonnie?" She questioned and Elena gave her a weird look. "What?" Aurelia noticed, "okay so try not to like totally freak out" Elena slowly began and Aurelia gave her a concerned look. "Bonnie is not Bonnie" Elena stated, "your going to have to make a whole lot more sense than that" Aurelia pushed her along for more words.

"Okay so when you were here, the three of us did something that kind of brought Emily's spirit to us and it ended up taking control over Bonnie" Elena rushed her worlds and Aurelia's jaw dropped. "Emily is inside of Bonnie!" She shouted and Elena nodded slowly, "Emily as in the creepy ancestor is inside of our best friend!" Aurelia shouted again and Elena put a hand over her mouth.

"Shhhh you don't know who could be listening!" Elena hissed and Aurelia pulled her hand away. "Well we need to find her" Aurelia spoke and Elena shook her head "I know but are you okay to come?" She questioned and Aurelia laughed a little, "I've been healed I'm sure I'll be fine" Aurelia placed a comforting hand on Elena's shoulder.

"Okay let's go" Elena pulled her up, "I thought Damon would still be here" Elena spoke as the two walked down the staircase. "He rushed out to do something, I don't know what" Aurelia recalled what had happened when he left. He was reluctant to leave but once Aurelia told him she was fine he did.

"Fair enough" Elena opened the front door and the two girls took a step outside into the crisp night air. "Well isn't this a happy night" Aurelia sarcastically spoke as clouds loomed over the moon causing a creepy effect, Elena laughed and the two girls walked towards the edge of the woods.

"I saw Bon-. Emily walk towards the woods" Elena corrected and Aurelia looked into the dark and twisty woodland in front of them. "What would she need in the woods?" Aurelia questioned and Elena shrugged "only one way to find out" she spoke as she took her first step into the woodland. Aurelia hated the woods at dark, but this was for the sake of her friend.

She stepped into the woods and followed Elena's lead. 

Aurelia let her mind trail back to earlier on in the evening. The fear she had felt when she began coughing up blood and when she thought that she was going to die, but when Damon was there and he comforted her she felt it all go away. When he hugged her she felt safe, she knew she shouldn't of felt safe with him. He was the very last person anyone should feel safe with, but yet she still did.

If he hadn't of been there Aurelia would have died, this was another saving added to the every growing list. He always played the knight in shining armour and she was more thank thankful for that, how could she ever repay him?

"I know why Damon wants that necklace back" Elena suddenly spoke, Aurelia looked over towards her. "The one that Bonnie was wearing?" Aurelia asked and Elena nodded. "Why did he want it back?" Aurelia grew curious as she stepped over roots of trees that were sticking up from the ground. "Because it can bring Katherine back" Elena broke and Aurelia thought.


The name replayed in her mind and yet she couldn't land on who exactly Katherine was. "Sorry who's that again?" Aurelia had a bad feeling growing over her. "Katherine was Stefan's ex" she stopped for a moment and Aurelia grabbed her to stop her from walking anymore. "And?" Aurelia could see there was more to the story, "and she was also with Damon" she stated.

Aurelia didn't know what to think but for some reason she felt both anger and sadness. She hid both emotion well, well enough that Elena hadn't seemed to notice. "I thought she was dead?" Aurelia cleared her throat, "she's under a tomb with twenty six other vampires with some sort of spell that keeps them in there" Elena explained as the two girls started walking again.

"Wouldn't they be dead?" Aurelia questioned, "they desiccate" Elena simply replied. "That sounds grim" Aurelia thought of how horrible that would be. "And why don't we want Katherine back?" Aurelia continued and Elena let out a long sigh. "Because according to Stefan she's manipulative and powerful" Elena explained, "and I doubt she would care much if she killed us" Elena added and Aurelia felt a scared feeling settle over the two.

"Why would she kill us?" Aurelia asked, "because she's crazy" Elena explained. "So your saying Damon wants to bring back the evil love of his life that wouldn't blink an eye while killing us" Aurelia summarised and Elena nodded. "So we can't let him get that necklace" Aurelia suddenly spoke and Elena nodded along. 

Angry voices suddenly echoed through the woods, "this way!" Elena snapped as the two girls ran towards the voices. Aurelia was careful where she placed her foot, making sure not to trip on anything and fall over. 

Elena came towards a small clearing and halted, Aurelia almost ran into the back of her. Elena grabbed her arm and pulled her next to her so she could see, Aurelia watched as Emily drew the necklace into the air before it exploded. The look on Damon's face was pure anger, "oh my god" Elena gasped not really knowing what to do. 

That's when Damon's face changed, both Elena and Aurelia started screaming at him to stop but he ignored the pair of them when he lunged towards Bonnie's body and stabbed his fangs into her neck. "Damon stop!" Elena shouted as she ran over, Aurelia grabbed her and stopped her. "You could get hurt!" Aurelia snapped at her.

Elena was about to speak when she heard some more motion, the two looked back over to the scene to see Stefan grabbing Damon. Both Elena and Aurelia let out a sigh of relief as they ran to Bonnie's side and aided her, "Bonnie is that you?" Aurelia asked as she stirred. "What happened" she revealed that it was in fact her now. 

"I hate him for what he did" Elena snapped, "I hate him so much" she continued as she looked like she was about to cry. Aurelia grabbed some stray tissue she found in her pocket and placed it on her wound, Stefan then gave her some blood.

Aurelia looked over at Damon, he looked angry at himself. Aurelia hated the fact he took it out on Bonnie, she hated him for it. She was angry at him, but that was probably the last chance of him being able to get his lover back. Aurelia had never been in love but she suspected that not being able to see that person again would hurt badly, worse than any other pain in the world.

Aurelia found herself standing up and walking towards Damon. He had his back turned to her when she walked closer to him. "Damon" she softly and he didn't reply, he stayed where he was. She sighed and instead moved herself so she was stood next to him, "I'm not going to say it's all good that you hurt Bonnie" Aurelia began and he slowly turned his head to face Aurelia.

"But I can see your hurt and I understand you wanted to lash out on Emily, not Bonnie" Aurelia stated and he gave her a small nod. "I'm sorry that you didn't get Katherine back" Aurelia apologised and he gave her a confused look, "how do you know about that?" He finally spoke. "Elena told me" Aurelia simply replied, "right" he nodded. "If you love her that must be a pretty nice thing to feel" she smiled, "but a painful thing to feel when you loose her" Aurelia then added. "You've never been in love before?" He asked and she shook her head, "I'm surprised. You look like the sort of girl that would have experienced love" he admitted and she gave him a confused look.

"Thank you I guess" she laughed a little.

"Aurelia, we're going" Elena called as Aurelia turned to look at her. "I'm just coming" Aurelia spoke back and Elena have her a nod. Stefan stood waiting for her, "again I'm sorry about Katherine" Aurelia apologised. "It's fine" Damon spoke back and she backed away, she turned on her heel and walked towards Stefan who walked next to her away.

Damon watched until she was out of sight, he had noticed he wasn't as heart broken as he should have been. And he now felt no heart break as she had been next to him, it's like she had eliminated all bad feelings. He didn't feel sad or bad that he hadn't gotten Katherine back.

Night Crawler, Damon Salvatore ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now