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Damon paced around Aurelia's room, "there was two vampires roaming around that haven't been out since the 19th century?" Aurelia repeated what he has just said. "And they attacked you last night, and you managed to kill one" she added, "I'm glad you can listen" Damon joked and Aurelia rolled her eyes. "I suspect they are quite aggressive" he stepped closer, "so stay safe by staying inside" He warned and Aurelia let out a long sigh. 

Aurelia had been desperate to get out of the house for a bit, just for a short but peaceful walk. If anything dodgy happened she would come straight back home, but she knew that Damon wouldn't settle for that. So she would have to act like everything was good.

"I will" she nodded while he smirked down at her. "I'll have to be on my way, brotherly issues" he huffed as he gave her a small kiss. "Is Stefan okay?" Aurelia asked and Damon nodded, "physically yes but mentally probably not" he joked. She wanted to elbow him but she knew it wouldn't do much, Damon laughed like he already figured out what she wanted to do by her facial expression.

He moved closer towards her and pulled her closer to him. He immediately gave her a longer kiss this time, it was strange how Aurelia had gone from never experiencing things like this to having it all.

She had Damon and that's all she wanted, nothing more.

"Aurelia!" Her mother called and she pulled away, Damon looked a bit annoyed as he slowly stepped back away from her. "I'll call you later" he stated as she stepped out of the room with a smile and a nod, she walked towards her mothers bedroom and walked inside.

"What's wrong?" She asked, "is someone here?" Her mother questioned. Aurelia quickly shook her head "no" she lied with a small laugh, "I must have been dreaming" her mother sighed as she settled back down into the duvet covers. Aurelia pulled the covers towards her mother a little more, making her more comfortable.

"Will you be okay if I go for a quick walk?" Aurelia questioned, "of course. It's good for you" Her mother smiled. "I won't be long" Aurelia spoke as she stood up straight again and backed out of the room, "it's dark so be careful" Her mother rolled over in her bed and let out a long huff. Aurelia walked down the stair case and towards the front door, she hoped Damon wouldn't be near still.

He had to see Stefan so he probably would have gotten straight to it.

She opened the front door and walked outside before shutting it behind her, she walked down the small stairs and onto the road. It was deathly quite out and for some reason comfortable, it felt nice to be out and about. Aurelia walked across the road and towards the forest, she wasn't going in the forest more walking along the forest line.

Once she began walking against the trees she noticed someone. She stopped and decided to turn back around, any dodgy business and she was to go home. But once she turned around there was a man stood there, she gasped a little and turned her head back around to see the person was gone.

Now he was standing in front of her.

"Aurelia right?" He asked and she nodded slowly, she had never seen him before. "Who are you exactly?" She asked, "I am Frederick" he introduced himself with a smile that seemed oddly kind. "Your probably wondering how I know who you are?" He suddenly asked with a small laugh "you took the words right out my mouth" she replied with confusion. 

 "I've heard about you from other Vampires around" he began, "about some ritual that obviously we don't want to happen" he reassured and she let out a small sigh of relief. "It's a strange place to keep you and your poor father" he then gave her a sympathetic look, "that poor soul. I can only imagine the pain he's going through" he seemed to he more talking to himself now.

"Wait you say it as if you know where it is?" Aurelia asked and Frederick looked back towards her, a smile growing back on his face. "Well yes of course I do" he nodded, "I can take you if you want, I'll help you get your father out and safe" he offered up. Aurelia wanted to say yes, but how could she know he was telling the complete truth.

She couldn't put her trust in someone she just met.

"How do I know your telling the truth?" She asked, "the answer is simple" he huffed. "Your father could become the one thing to reassure my death, why wouldn't I want him out?" He fairly stated. Aurelia pondered for a minute, looking at him as she did so.

"Lead the way" she finally spoke and he nodded his head in the direction they were to walk in. He led her into the forest and Aurelia followed close behind him, making sure he didn't leave her sight. The last place she wanted to he was the woods in the dark. 

Soon the two stopped near a house, it was out of the woodland a bit. Frederick turned around and Aurelia had a bad feeling in her stomach now, something telling her to run. "You know" he began, his whole demeanour changing now. "You should never trust a rogue vampire" he added before he lunged towards her, he went to bite her when a loud voice could be heard.

He turned around angrily to see a person Aurelia couldn't see herself, "Take her to the basement we don't have time for this now!" The voice boomed. Frederick let out a loud and angry sigh before he grabbed onto her arm and dragged her towards the stairs. Aurelia felt so stupid, why would she trust him?

False hope.

She wanted her dad to come home and he had been smart enough to use that against her, Aurelia almost tripped a few times as they walked down the stairs. He threw her onto the floor, it was dirty and dark inside. Frederick seemed to be preparing some chair to tie her onto.

"Aurelia?" A weak male voice asked as Aurelia's eyes shot up, "Stefan!" She called as she stood to her feet to get a better look. He was in immense pain and anyone could tell that, Frederick could he heard clattering with things in the background as Stefan tried his best to not act like he was in pain. "What happened?" Aurelia asked, "they captured me when I was trying to feed" Stefan croaked. "How about you?" Stefan asked.

"He tricked me" Aurelia hissed as she turned to look at him, he was still looking for something. "Sorry had to be done, I couldn't have the key to my death walking around" Frederick snapped. "Fuck!" He yelled as he realised he had no rope, he stormed out the room and slammed the door behind him.

But he didn't lock it.

Aurelia immediately attempted to untie Stefan's ropes but he stopped her "no no no you won't have enough time!" Stefan whispered and she stopped. "I can't leave you here!" She snapped, "go and get Damon" he instructed. "I promise you he will get me out of here alive, if you stay any longer neither of us will get out" Stefan warned and she backed away.

"I'll be as quick as I can" she quickly spoke before she ran towards the door, she opened it quickly and bolted up the stairs and into the open. She had never ran so fast, not once did she look behind her. She sprinted as fast as her legs could go, she ran through the forest until she came out into a clearing but she didn't stop there.

She carried on, running all the way to the Salvatore house. As she reached the front door she pounded on it, multiple times. Soon it flung open to reveal a concerned Damon and Aurelia had to let herself catch her breath.

"What happened?" He immediately asked as he helped her stand straight, "Stefan's been kidnapped" Aurelia panted. "How would you know that?" Damon asked, "considering your supposed to be inside" he added. "That doesn't matter now, some vampire called Frederick tricked me and took me somewhere he wanted to lock me up and Stefan was in there and he told me to run and get you" she blurted quickly and Damon just about managed to understand what she was saying.

"Are you okay?" Damon asked and she nodded, "Stefan's not he's really hurt".

"I'll get him".

Night Crawler, Damon Salvatore ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now