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Aurelia didn't know what to think. Someone had taken her for a reason that was get to be discovered, she felt so fearful now. She felt like she had to always look over her shoulder and like she couldn't close her eyes when she slept. What did he want with her? Why did he take her? Aurelia hated not knowing the truth.

She hated being in the dark and not knowing anything, but she did know one thing. She knew that Damon had saved her life and she owed that to him. She owed him her life.

She also knew that he was a Vampire along with her kidnapper, who was now dead. It was a lot to take in all at once, she hadn't even fully processed it. She also knew that she shouldn't tell anyone, Damon hadn't specifically told her that she couldn't but it wasn't something he wasn't exactly flashing that around to the whole town.

She would keep it quite for now.

Aurelia clutched her bag in her arms as she walked down the street, her eyes constantly moving around the scenery for any unwelcome presence.  But every time she looked no one was there. The burning sensation had also disappeared which led her to believe her kidnapper had been stalking her for the past three days.

Shivers went up her spine when she thought of it again, the same question repeating in her mind. What did he want?

"Aurelia" Elena smiled which pulled her out of her thought, Aurelia looked up at Elena and gave her a small smile. Without warning Elena threw her arms around Aurelia and hugged her tightly, "I was so worried about you" Elena spoke. Aurelia hugged her back, resting her head onto her friend. 

"What happened?" Elena stepped away, Aurelia sighed "I went to look to Caroline and some guy came in and he chased me" the images replayed in her mind. "He then dragged me to his car and he um" she stopped herself from saying that he bit her. That would give Elena a hint surely.

"I got knocked out and I woke up in the back of a car. It's a blur really, I remember running and Damon was there and he helped me get home" Aurelia explained. "Wait Damon helped you?" She looked shocked and Aurelia nodded slowly. "I know but he did" Aurelia quickly butted in.

"Did this man hurt you in anyways?" Elena spoke like she had a hint that she thought she may know something, Aurelia caught onto it. "Um" she hummed, "did he bite you" Elena said trying to sound casual. "Do you know?" Aurelia suddenly realised, "Do you?" Elena questioned while looking at her weirdly. "That something that isn't supposed to be real is real" Aurelia added.

"Oh thank god someone else knows" she pulled her into a second hug, Aurelia smiled into the hug glad that she didn't have to carry this on her own. "And to answer your question yes he did bite me and that's what knocked me out" Aurelia turned serious again, "right" Elena nodded. "How do you know?" Aurelia suddenly asked, Elena sighed as she looked around.

Night Crawler, Damon Salvatore ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now