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After Aurelia's little outburst at Damon from the night before, she felt much better. She had known Elena her whole life, she wasn't going to allow someone to step in the way of her happiness. Elena would do the same for her and she knew it, at that moment best friends would always be put first for Aurelia. But it would depend on how much more someone else could give her before maybe they could be put first.

"Bonnie can't hate him forever, she's going to have to come to terms with him one day" Elena complained as the two girls walked down the hallway. "Stefan is with me now, she was fine with Matt" Elena added which made Aurelia laugh a little. "What?" Elena questioned, wondering what was so funny.

"It's just that I hated Matt she liked him and now I like Stefan she doesn't like him!" Aurelia laughed, it really wasn't that funny but Aurelia was in a good mood so most things to her would probably be quite funny. Once Aurelia calmed down, she carried on conversation "why does she hate him?" She wondered aloud.

"She said that when she touched him, she felt disturbing things" Elena explained which caused Aurelia to furrow her eye brows in confusion. "Like what?" She asked and Elena shrugged, "I take it this is one of her witchy powers" Aurelia joked. Bonnie had come from a long line of witches, her grams was one but everyone called her crazy.

In all honesty, Aurelia thought she may have been a little loopy too. Witches existing? There was no way. They were just in the stories. But she would never tell Bonnie that she thought her grandmother was insane.

"Well let's hope everyone can be civil today?" Aurelia suggested as she looked at Elena, she didn't want either one of the two arguing. Elena sighed, "civil it is" she allowed a smile to grow on her face. "Good now let me get some sleep" Aurelia spoke as she referred to the fact they had history next.

Elena's smile widened as she followed Aurelia to Mr Tanner's classroom. Aurelia and Elena walked into the classroom, both taking their seats. Aurelia didn't bother waiting for Mr Tanner to come into the room and start the lesson, it was risky but she craved a good hour or so sleep.

Aurelia let her head drop onto the desk, her hair drooping down her back and her now covered face. She closed her eyes, letting the sounds of gentle chatter send her body into sleep. 

"Miss Knight?"


"Aurelia Knight!"

Aurelia jumped into consciousness as she sat straight in her desk, met with the eyes of her teacher. "Shit" she muttered, "what was that?" He snapped. She groaned at the realisation she had been caught, she rubbed the top of her head as she warmed to the sudden wakening of her body. "The disrespect you have just displayed in my classroom is disgraceful" he walked closer.

Night Crawler, Damon Salvatore ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now