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Stefan didn't know what to do with himself, his own brother had done this to him. It was his birthday and yet Damon had killed Lexi for his own benefit, he watched as his brother walked back towards the grill with little to no emotion on his face. What had he become? He was wrong, maybe his brother really had no humanity left in him at all.

Damon opened the door to the grill and walked inside, he didn't feel bad for what he had did because he had eliminated anyone suspecting him or his brother of being a vampire. Who would think that someone who went out of their way to kill a vampire would be one themselves? 

He pushed through the crowds and walked back towards the booth where he had left Aurelia. He stopped in his tracks when he saw that she was gone, he moved his eyes around the room trying to find her but she seemed to not be there. He had told her not to move, of course she had anyway and now she was god knows where while being intoxicated.

Damon began walking around the building, hoping that he could see her familiar face anywhere. It was obvious to anyone that he had started to have a worried expression on his face as he looked around.

"Are you looking for someone?" A male voice asked which made Damon swiftly turn around and look at him, he had a evil smirk on his face. "Where is she?" Damon snapped sounding like he was demanding to know. "Out back" he pointed towards the back door, Damon went to walk but the mysterious man grabbed his arm making him stop. "Better be quick, last I saw her she was in a pretty bad situation" the man laughed and Damon launched himself at him, grabbing him by the collar.

"I wouldn't waste your time" the man laughed as he looked at Damon's angry face, "the longer you are. The quicker she'll bleed out" the man hummed as he put his hands up in surrender. Damon threw his out of his hands, as much as he wanted to rip his throat out there and then he knew any longer he waited was a minute closer to Aurelia's ending.

He couldn't risk that.

Damon turned on his heel and ran towards the back door, he shoved it open and slammed it behind him. There he saw Aurelia lying on the floor, in a puddle of her own blood. He immediately knelt down beside her, "it's okay" he spoke as he turned her to she was lying on her back. He looked to see she had been stabbed multiple times, he then placed two fingers on her neck and let out sigh of relief when he felt a faint heart beat. He then noticed some blood on the other side of her neck, he slowly turned it to see a clean bite mark. 

"You're going to be okay" he bit down on his wrist, letting blood become exposed on his arm. He then placed it into her mouth and made her drink some to reassure her health improving. 

He then picked her up bridal style, carrying her round the building and towards his car. Why was stuff like this always happening to her? There were plenty of other girls in this town but they chose her anyway. It made him angry, was it because she was pretty?

Night Crawler, Damon Salvatore ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now