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Aurelia's eyes opened slowly as her phone vibrated on the table next to her, she sat up quickly as she looked at her phone quickly. She had, had around ten missed calls from Elena. Her phone began righting again and this time Aurelia answered it, "hello?" She groggily asked as she had only just woken up.

"Aurelia finally" Elena panted as if she had been running, "took you long enough" Elena complained. "Maybe because I was sleeping" Aurelia complained, "well your not now which is good because I really need to tell you something" Elena rushed her words.

"I guessed that" Aurelia mumbled as she laid back down in bed, pulling the duvet over her but still listened to the phone call. "So what's the news?" Aurelia asked, "basically do you remember Isobel?" Elena asked and Aurelia sat up suddenly. Isobel as in Elena's biological mother?

"Your really mum?" Aurelia asked, "yeah her" Elena spoke back. "Well she's in town and I'm meeting her today" Elena announced. Aurelia was in complete shock at what Elena had said, "today?" Aurelia gasped. "Yes today, soon in fact" Elena sighed. "Oh my god, I don't know what to say" Aurelia admitted.

"You don't have to say anything but I would appreciate it if you got changed and came to the grill" Elena suggested, "why?" Aurelia asked as she got out of bed. "Because I want you to be there, so I can look at someone and feel a little calmer" Elena admitted. "Awww" Aurelia teased, "my heart just melted" she sarcastically spoke as she made her way over to her wardrobe.

"Does that mean you'll come?" Elena questioned, "well considering I'm already picking an outfit I would say yes" Aurelia answered. "Thank you so much for this" Elena thanked as Aurelia tossed some clothes onto her bed, the phone line hung up and Aurelia also threw her phone onto the bed.

Once Aurelia was ready for the day, she walked down the stairs and said goodbye to her mother. She had thought a lot about what had happened while getting changed and the whole situation made her feel like an awful person, her mother didn't deserve any of this and it was al revolving around Aurelia.

This was all on her.

She had to fix this somehow and she would have to start brainstorming ideas now, the first plan was that no one woke know apart from Elena. She didn't want to rope anyone else into this and get them killed, she would never forgive herself if she allowed someone to die for her.

Aurelia ended up getting stuck in a lot of traffic, the roads seemed busy that day. Eventually she arrived at the grill, she rushed out of the car and into the building. Aurelia walked inside and scanned around the room, she spotted Elena sat on a table with a dark haired woman sat in front on her.

Aurelia then looked at the pool table to see Stefan watching Elena intensely, it was nice to see he was out of his cell and looking much better. She walked towards him, Aurelia stopped when she stood next to him and he looked to see her. "Aurelia" he seemed a little shocked, "hey I just want to apologies-" he began but was cut off by Aurelia hugging him.

Night Crawler, Damon Salvatore ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now