S2 Episode 3: Freak-out Friday

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Our episode opens up with Lena in her room texting with Alex venting her frustration over how Delta won't allow the two to see each other anymore after the events of "The Grey Agenda" while Poochie lays in her lap. Delta comes to check on her, Lena hiding her phone away as Agent Delta asks her "you weren't texting Alex were you? don't forget you're still grounded from seeing him" Lena then says "No, of course not. I was just uh... texting my mom. speaking of which, I gotta go hang with the fam. bye!" leaving much to the suspicion of Agent Delta. we then cut to Lena walking around Alien town mumbling to herself about how she hates Delta for not allowing her to see Alex where she is secretly being watched from an alleyway by a female chameleon-like alien who blinks her eyes as they move in different directions, the chameleon saying "I like her style, she's cute" before shapeshifting into Lena. meanwhile Lena gets the uncomfortable feeling that she's being watched as she walks past the various alien pedestrians. Lena then bumps into what looks like herself causing her to freak out, Lena asking "you're me, but how?" the imposter then says "pretty cool trick huh?" before shapeshifting back into the chameleon girl from earlier. she then introduces herself, saying "name's Kamyla, I'm a bit of a fashionista... except my outfits are people" shaking hands with Lena who exclaims "you're a shapeshifter?" as she stares into Kamyla's eyes which start moving into different directions making Lena uncomfortable. Kamyla then says "sure am, and I put my special skills to good use if you ask me" only for her to pickpocket Lena with her tail when she's not looking, grabbing Lena's phone and looking at all the pictures on it, taking a special interest in a photo of Lena and Alex, exclaiming "ooh he's cute, is he your boyfriend?" Lena then blushes, exclaiming "Alex isn't my boyfriend, he's my best friend that's all. now give that back!" swiping her phone from Kamyla's hand. Kamyla then shapeshifts into Alex, asking Lena "If he's not your boyfriend then why are getting so defensive?" Lena then says "It's nothing like that! Agent Delta grounded me from seeing him ever again and I'm upset about it" Kamyla then shapeshifts back into her regular lizard self, saying "Agent who?" Lena then says "Agent Delta, he's kinda like my adopted dad" showing her a picture of Agent Delta on her phone causing Kamyla to shapeshift into Delta with Lena exclaiming "will you stop that?" prompting Kamyla to change back before telling Lena "I know exactly how you feel, my uncle can be pretty overbearing too. guess we both have father figures who don't understand us" Lena then gets an idea, saying "So wait, you're a shapeshifter, and I'm not allowed to see Alex... how about you help a girl out by using your shapeshifting to take my place at Sector 51 HQ so that I can see Alex without Delta knowing! he wouldn't suspect a thing" Kamyla then tells Lena "Sorry but that's not my thing, Alex is mine for the taking" as she wraps Lena in her tongue. Lena then asks her "what are you doing?" Kamyla then looks down on Lena and says "I call dibs on the cute human boy, smell ya later" before tossing Lena into a nearby dumpster and closing the top of the dumpster on Lena muffling her screams followed by Kamyla shapeshifting into Lena and running off. we then see Joe taking out the trash only to hear a muffled scream coming from a dumpster and is shocked upon opening it when he sees poor Lena stuck in the dumpster, Joe exclaiming "hey, you're that Starchild who works for Sector 51! what're you doing in there, kid?" Lena then tells him "get me out of here and I'll explain everything!" we then cut to Alex's house where Alex's mom calls him "Alex, your friend's at the door!" much to the confusion of Alex since Delta grounded Lena from seeing him. Alex then answers the door to see none other than what appears to be Lena freaking Alex out, with Alex exclaiming "GAH! Lena, what are you doing here? you know Delta didn't allow us to see each other!" the fake Lena responds with "Delta doesn't have to know" as her eyes start moving in different directions making Alex suspicious. Alex in a nervous tone of voice asks her "so what do you wanna do?" the fake Lena smiles in a mischievous grin, asking him "Neblix and chill?" Alex asking her "excuse me what?" she then grabs Alex's arm and drags him upstairs, much to the confusion of Alex's parents, Emily asking her husband "Is it me or is Alex's friend acting weird? she's not usually like this" Jack responding with "It seems like our boy Alex is finally gonna become a man, I'm so proud of him" as his eyes get all watery only for Emily to smack him saying "that's not what I wanted to hear, Jack. he's only 15 we raised him better than this!" we then cut back to the real Lena who's sitting at a table in Joe's galactic diner (no longer wearing her signature purple jacket because it smelled like trash after getting tossed in the dumpster) sipping a blue milkshake while Joe starts asking her questions, starting with "how did you end up in a dumpster?" Lena then says "It started when I ran into this green chameleon chick shapeshifted into me so that she can get close to my boyfriend... I mean, friend so she grabbed me with her tongue and tossed me in the garbage" Joe then says "Ah, I guess you must've run into Kamyla then. that girl's nothing but trouble if you ask me" Lena then asks "wait, you know her?" Joe then tells Lena "of course I know her, she's my niece" Lena then spits out her drink, exclaiming "what? hold on, does that mean you can change shape too?" Joe then says "no, some Lacertans can others can't. those who can shapeshift are a distinct population of our species called Camolacertans, my sister-in-law was one. the point is, as her uncle I've been Kamyla's legal guardian since her parents left the planet" Lena then asks "why would her parents just ditch her like earth like that? seems like a horrible thing to do to your kid" Joe then tells her "Isn't it obvious? they got fed up with dealing with her behavior. she's completely boy crazy, seducing whatever cute guy she has a crush on that week by shapeshifting into their own species. she's a real gylak digger if you ask me" Lena's eyes then widen, exclaiming "oh no, Alex! I'm coming!" before running out of the restaurant, we then cut to Sector 51 HQ where Commander Epsilon asks Delta where the kid is saying that she's been gone for a very long time, and Delta tells him "she told me she went to visit her family" Epsilon then tells Delta "knowing her she probably lied so that she could sneak out to see Alex" Delta then facepalms, saying "I should've known" before we cut to a shot Lena running through the streets of Alien town using her teleporting to jump from rooftop to rooftop. we then cut to Agent Delta arriving at the Quinn family household asking Alex's parents where Lena is, saying that she's in big trouble right now, Jack and Emily looking at each other with concern. Delta then marches upstairs and is shocked to see Alex and "Lena" in bed together, Alex exclaiming "Delta, what are you doing here?" Delta then gets mad at the fake Lena exclaiming "Lena you hussy! that's it, you're gonna have to wear THESE from now on to make sure you don't pull something like this again!" Delta putting the inhibitor cuffs on her disabling the fake Lena's shapeshifting causing her to change back into Kamyla. Alex is shocked, exclaiming "wait a minute, you're not Lena!" Kamyla then sticks her tongue out, saying "of course not silly! my name's Kamyla, I shapeshifted into Lena just to glark with you" Delta then points his laser pistol to Kamyla's head telling her "You better tell me what you did to Lena, or else Alex will be the last fling you'll ever have" Kamyla then tells him "okay okay I'll tell you, I tossed her in a dumpster outside my uncle Joe's diner, she's probably still there" Alex tells Delta "we should probably look for her, even if I'm not allowed to see her anymore" Delta agrees with Alex, saying "Agreed, Poochie's nose can probably sniff her out. but first we need to lock up this little degenerate until her uncle can come pick her up" Kamyla exclaiming "you can't do that to me!" only for her to leap out the window of the Quinn household before breaking the inhibitor cuffs, shapeshifting into a Sector 51 soldier and stealing Delta's Van exclaiming "smell 'ya later, suckers!" before driving off which both Alex and Agent Delta watch with Delta contacting Epsilon explaining the whole situation to him that a shapeshifter stole one of their vehicles and is en route to HQ. we then cut to Kamyla still disguised as a Sector 51 troop explore the base's alien prison looking at the myriad of captured alien criminals saying "look at all these bad boys, so hot!" before shapeshifting into a Plasmodian, a Mokarran, a Grey, and a Loxodontosapien reverting to her default chameleon form as she is cornered by Sector 51 troops who point their guns at her. she then raises her hands in the air and says "now now boys, let's be civil here. anybody wanna get cozy with me in any of your personal quarters?" as she seductively feels up the chest armor of one soldier with her tail. the troops then open fire on Kamyla forcing her to take evasive action dodging blaster fire before using her tail whip to knock them out one by one, Commander Epsilon then says "freeze Alien, what do you want with us?" Kamyla then shrugs, saying "you Sector 51 folks are so serious. what else does a girl want? I was just wondering if any of the hardened alien criminals were getting a little lonely in their cells and if I could help rehabilitate them by offering some bow-chicka-wow-wow!" the sector 51 agents all tilt their heads, Commander Epsilon exclaiming "you wanna do WHAT with the inmates? that's disgusting!" Kamyla then shapeshifts into a human woman exclaiming "I can provide different strokes for different folks" as she puts her arms around Commander Epsilon ready to kiss him but Epsilon doesn't fall for her tricks and whacks Kamyla upside the head with his tonfas reverting her back into her chameleon form, Kamyla exclaiming "worth a shot!" before making her escape. we then cut to Alex and Agent Delta following Poochie throughout Alien town as Poochie gets a whiff of Lena's scent, they find the dumpster she was tossed in only to find that she's not in there. Joe then approaches them saying "If you're looking for the kid you're too late, I fished her out of the dumpster and she left Alien Town" we then cut to Lena returning to Sector 51 HQ to find a bunch of knocked out Sector 51 agents lying on the floor of the hallways, asking what happened here. Lena returns to her room only to hear a familiar voice say "Lena, it's so good to see you again!" she then turns to see what appears to be Alex standing behind her. Lena then hugs Alex telling him "Oh Alex, I am so happy to see you! I love you" fake Alex then says "so he really is your boyfriend after all, too bad there's only room for one girl in Alex's life" revealing it to be Kamyla in disguise, Lena punching Kamyla in the gut with her fist constructs knocking her through the wall, Lena exclaiming "you stay away from Alex, you hear me!" Kamyla whipping Lena with her tail knocking her over, Kamyla telling her "I'm not giving up without a fight, dumpster girl!" Lena shouts "Don't call me that!" activating her twin swords constructs swinging them at Kamyla who dodges her attacks effortlessly, Kamyla then says "your fighting skills are rather sloppy, don't forget I grew up on the streets of Alien town where I had to fight tooth and claw to survive. I've been in many of fights before" wrapping her tongue around Lena to choke her, Kamyla exclaiming "now Alex is mine for the taking!" only for her to be shot in the back by Agent Delta knocking her out cold saving Lena's life. Alex then runs up to hug Lena, happy to be reunited with her (for real this time) Kamyla witnessing the two embrace as she is being carried away by Sector 51 agents, saying "I guess Alex really is yours, Lena. fine by me" while Alex asks "what is she talking about?" Lena telling him "let's never speak of this again" Delta watches Lena and Alex being happy together has a change of heart, saying "You're no longer grounded" much to the excitement of Lena thanking Delta who reminds her "I left you off easy now, but that's only because I understand how much your friendship with Alex means to you. but if you try to pull a Kamyla on Alex, I'll have to ground you from seeing him a second time" Lena then asks "what did Kamyla do to Alex?" Delta then says "I'll tell you when you're older, but it won't matter because Alex won't remember what happened" as Delta adjusts his memory-wipe device before using it on Alex erasing his memories of the whole Kamyla scandal with Alex asking "what happened, what are we doing here?". we then cut to Kamyla banging on her cell shouting "Let me out! Let me out! I'm innocent!" Commander Epsilon tells her "you tried to seduce both my men and our alien prisoners, trust me you're far from innocent. don't worry, you'll only have to stay here until your uncle gets here" all the while Lena overhears their conversation from the other side of the door. we then see Joe visit Kamyla in her cell, Kamyla saying "Hey uncle Joe, are you to yell at me again?" Joe tells her "No I came here to talk. the reason why I disapprove of what you do for fun is because I care about you, with your parents off-world I'm now your legal guardian and It's my responsibility to keep you safe. and you glarkin' just about every alien in alien town is anything but safe. it's stupid and dangerous, I get that you're lonely and don't have any friends but flings aren't the same as real relationships and can't fill the void. I know you probably hate me but as your uncle and guardian the best I can do is try to guide you in the right direction" Lena overhears the whole conversation and begins to feel sorry for Kamyla. Commander Epsilon then opens Kamyla's cell and tells her "come on kid, it's time for you to go home and think about what you've done" Joe then puts his hand on Kamyla's shoulder as he escorts her into the hallway where they bump into Lena who tells the two lizard aliens "Wait!" Joe then asks "what is it now kid?" Lena then grabs Kamyla's hand and tells her "Kamyla, I overheard your conversation with your uncle Joe. I heard everything, I'm sad that you have no friends. everyone needs a friend, so allow me to be your first-ever friend!" Kamyla gasps, saying "really?" Kamyla then says "really" Kamyla then hugs Lena, telling her "thank you! from now on we'll be super alien girl besties!" Lena blushes, saying "sure. let's let bygones be bygones" while Alex looks in confusion asking "what's going on?" Delta tells him "you were Lena's first friend, it's about time Lena makes more friends with other kids her age" while Alex says "I don't even remember that lizard girl. who is she again?" Delta then says "It's best you don't" we then cut to the next day at Joe's galactic diner in alien town where we see Joe serving lunch to Lena and Kamyla, Joe serving Lena the Minosian beast-burger and serving Kamyla a bowl of Kuwagian jelly-beetle grubs, Kamyla exclaiming "my favorite, thanks uncle!" eating the squirming insect larvae with chopsticks and slurping them like they're noodles which grosses out Lena who tries to enjoy her food without throwing up. Kamyla then hands Lena a friendship bracelet that she made for her, saying "as super alien girl besties, I thought we should wear matching bracelets" Lena then puts it on and the two girls fist-bump ending our episode on a good note.

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