One night marriage Pt.1

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Seungcheol knew it was bad idea when he stepped into the club to drink his night away. But to be honest he didn't actually care anymore. The burden, was getting too much and he just needs a escape from it.

"One vodka please" he settles himself on the stool and places his head into his palm taking a deep breath. The paperwork at office was stressing him so much that his brother literally had to drag him out of the office and scream at him for overworking himself. But no one understands what he has to go through. If I didn't work, how the fuck am I supposed to provide him the basic needs atleast? He could never understands. Jisoo could never understand what seungcheol goes through.

"Here you go sir.."

Grabbing the drink, seungcheol downs it in one go and appeals for more.

By the time it was his 11th shit of vodka. Seungcheol feels his vision starting to blur. But that doesn't stops him from admiring the beautiful wo-Man, settling in the seat beside him. The sharp nose, the spotless skin, the mole on his cheekbone, the cherry like lips, the long lashes, the thick eyebrows frowning from time to time, the slen-

"What the fuck are you looking at?"

Oh he has honey voice too-

"U-uhm" Seungcheol blinks up at the gorgeous male, trying to clear his vision to get a better view of him. He blinks multiple times before his vision becomes a little bit clear. Wobbling he stands up, creeping close to the black haired male infront of him. The other man crunches his nose at the stinky air seungcheol breaths out and waves his hand infront of his nose.

"Y-you are so b-beautiful" Seungcheol speaks in a gibberish tone, but still understandable enough for the male infront of him who raised his left brow but blushes nonetheless. "I know. " comes the stern yet squeaky response before he turns towards the bartender ordering for a strong whiskey. The bartender hums a yes before turning around to prepare his drink.

"You, n-name?" Seungcheol babbles yet again, which is now starting to irritate the black head male now. "Would you please mind your own business?" He speaks in a still soft yet irritating tone. Honestly, he has had enough of bullshit for the day and now a drunkard irritating him to core is the last thing he wants. But soon enough his drinks arrives as he gulps it down into one go. What do they even think of me? For Pete's sake I'll rather quit than to do THAT!

How ever soon enough his loud ringtone pulls him out of his thoughts as he glances down to his cellphone, in his pocket wanting nothing than to just crash it as harshly as possible. But steading his breath he pulls his cellphone out and peeks at the name.

M. Mingyu calling....

Groaning loudly he declines the call and turns his phone off. He needs to get laid and live his life a little. Asking for another glass of whiskey he- Yoon Jeonghan - turns his attention to the drunk male besides him. Jeonghan would not admit it but the male does looks eloquent. His sharp jaw, plump lips, dark eyes starting right back at him, pale yet not so pale skin. He would totally love to carry his kids if he weren't in the position he is right now. "Whats your name?" He pipes up wanting to know the stranger more.

"Me?" Seungcheol forces his eyes to be open at turns his attention to the gorgeous male beside him who is finally showing some interest in him. "Scoups" he blurts out and smiles at the male infront of him. Jeonghan hums at himself before muttering a small "im han" to seungcheol and turns his attention towards the his drink being placed.

"Pretty" Seungcheol speaks as he leans forward to tug the hair strand of Jeonghan behind his ears. The red tip at his ears and nose gives out that Jeonghan has actually wasted himself very much right now. He giggles as seungcheol tugs his hair behind his ears. Sober Jeonghan would have chopped seungcheol's hand for touching his hairs. Seungcheol gasps at how beautiful the giggles sounds to his ear before he smiles and starts to laugh along with Jeonghan.

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