Secretary Pt.1

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Jeonghan enjoys his job, but unfortunately, he has a difficult time dealing with his boss, who is constantly irritating him. In the past, Jeonghan had a very understanding boss, Mr. Choi, who was a kind and respectful man. However, when Mr. Choi retired, his son, Mr. Choi Seungcheol, took over the company, and things began to change for the worse.

Jeonghan is frustrated with Seungcheol's behaviour and wishes he could get rid of him. Seungcheol's constant annoyance is driving Jeonghan crazy. Looking at his watch, Jeonghan places a cup of coffee on Seungcheol's desk. It's already 10 am and Seungcheol is nowhere to be found. Jeonghan wonders if this is a common occurrence for Seungcheol or if he simply gets overwhelmed with office work.

Jeonghan has been working with Seungcheol for a year now, and he is certain that Seungcheol is not serious about their company. Seungcheol often arrives at work at 10 or even 11 a.m., and he forces Jeonghan to take on his responsibilities as well. He flirts with anyone present in the company and spends the whole day watching dramas on his laptop. Jeonghan feels frustrated and angry with Seungcheol, but he doesn't want to do anything rash since he loves his job.

"Hello Jeonghan"

Jeonghan raises his head to notice Seungcheol entering the cabin. He glances at Seungcheol's gray sweatpants and white t-shirt, and raises his left eyebrow inquisitively, wondering why Seungcheol is wearing that outfit and why he's carrying two big packs of popcorn instead of his usual briefcase.

"It's the series day today, Jeonghan!" Seungcheol exclaimed as he put two bags of popcorn on the couch and walked towards the projector to pull it down and close the blinds. "Are you serious, Seungcheol?" Jeonghan sighed, highly irritated with him as he tapped his left foot to calm himself.

"Sure, Jeonghan, you can join me if you want!" Seungcheol says as he scrolls through his list of dramas, trying to decide what to watch. Jeonghan declines, shaking his head and leaving the cabin to return to his own. Seungcheol can be foolish sometimes.

Jeonghan has been waiting for Seungcheol for two hours to let him finish watching his drama. During that time, Jeonghan managed to complete the paperwork for the upcoming meeting in two weeks. After leaning back on his chair and cracking his neck loudly, Jeonghan mumbles to himself, "Damn! If it weren't for the money, I would have left this place much earlier." He then closes his tab and gets ready to move on to his next task.

"Should I check on him? Nah, let him be"

Jeonghan heads towards the canteen to get his lunch and finds his best friend Jisoo sitting with his co-worker, who is also his boyfriend. "Hey!" Jeonghan greets Jisoo and Seokmin, and takes a seat in front of them. "Hey Han!" Jisoo says as he places some fried chicken on Jeonghan's plate, knowing how much he loves it. "Hello Jeonghan," Seokmin greets as he sips his Coke. Jeonghan smiles at Seokmin and nods his head, and soon the trio enjoys their meal.

Today was the day of the meeting and Jeonghan is already stressed. The person they are about to set thier deal with, Min jaeseok is a very cunning man who only and only cares about money. Jeonghan is worried because he can and will do anything to paint black on the Choi family's reputation. Jeonghan has given his words to mr Choi and he will never go back on them, even if it costs him his sanity.

"You have to be careful around Mr. Min, seungcheol. Do not, and I mean it do not cause any trouble at the meeting"

Seungcheol nods as he held out a lollipop for Jeonghan who shoke his head but seungcheol did forcefully made Jeonghan eat it. "I know.." seungcheol says settling in the car and Jeonghan beside him.

Seungcheol looks at Jeonghan from his side vision and bites his lips. Jeonghan is such a caring and responsible person, he is always beside seungcheol, he never stops seungcheol from doing what he wants. Seungcheol remembers when his dad was giving him the responsibility to step up as the ceo, seungcheol's only focus was to not pay any attention to it and let it go downgrade.

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