One night marriage Pt.2

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Jeonghan steps out of the car and waits for seungcheol to get out. The house was pretty decent yet expensive. It wasn't very flashy but also not common. Seungcheol steps out the car and takes a deep breath, whatever happens he will have to face it now. No matter what, it's his doing and he has to bare with it.

"Let's go" he says to Jeonghan who seems to be in a deep thought. Jeonghan clears his throat and walks behind seungcheol, towards his house.

Ding dong

"Coming!" A voice echos as not even ten seconds later, the door is opened. A very unfamiliar for Jeonghan but also a very much familiar man for seungcheol. "Cheol? Omg, come inside!" Seungcheol sighs stepping in the house, Jeonghan following closely from behind.

"Shua, he's here!" The brown head yells for someone and soon enough footsteps could be heard. "Fucking finally seungcheol!" The rasp voice of his brother, causes seungcheol to turn around and face the black haired male who was taking some not so aggressive steps towards the couple.

"Hey Josh" he mimicks out a small greeting, "don't hey you idiot, look at th mess you have created!" Joshua or jisoo, seungcheol's brother growls at him as he settles himself beside seungcheol on the couch. The brown head, who opened the door gestures Jeonghan to sit and Jeonghan agrees.

"I don't even know how this happened josh...I'm not lying" seungcheol voices out tried of his brother's -who is ready to slit his throat- complaints. Jisoo sighs heavily as he leans back on the couch. The media and reporter have been pressuring for answers, even his dad has been on his neck since the early dawn. "Cheol, dad is very angry for this...I don't know how to make him understand that this is all a mistake" jisoo says. Seungcheol's breath hitches at the mention of his dad. That man has never let him leave one day in his life peacefully.

"Also how did you guys even end up in this situation?" The brown head asks after a few minutes of awkward silence. Seungcheol looks up before explaining everything to his brother and that man.

"Are you even serious Choi?" The brown head asks after listening to everything. Yes there are people who are stupid and takes some weird and rash decision but this? Nothing can surpass this! "I know seokmin! I know, you don't need to rub it in my face" the man -lee seokmin- hums before turning towards jisoo who was staring at Jeonghan without blinking. He has seen him, yes he knows that it is yoon Jeonghan the famous model but also somewhere else! ......where?....where?

"Have we met before?" Jisoo asks to Jeonghan, who is quite surprised about the attention being on him now. Ofc he knows jisoo! He is literally the co-ceo of S company. How can he not? "Yes. I work for your company " Jeonghan says steadily, afraid of the reaction he will receive. "Hm..that's why you seemed so familiar, yoon Jeonghan right?" Jisoo questions again as Jeonghan nods at him.

"He works at MY company?" Seungcheol questions, suddenly interested in the conversation of his brother and.....husband? "Yes cheol, he is the famous model of OUR company" jisoo glares at his brother. Seungcheol looks at Jeonghan and looks at jisoo before again turning his attention towards Jeonghan. No wonder he is so drop dead gorgeous. His model agency manager Xu minghao does have a very very very nice taste in choosing models.

"Do y'all need anything to eat? I have made breakfast" seokmin stands up walking towards the kitchen area and jisoo stands up following his fiance towards the kitchen. Leaving seungcheol and Jeonghan alone in the living room. "Um Jeonghan-ssi, do you want to have breakfast?" Seungcheol questions as he stands up as well.



Embrassed, Jeonghan quickly looks down at his stomach which just made a huge growl indicating that he was indeed hungry. Seungcheol smiles lightly before leading the way towards the kitchen.

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