Shattered hearts, Mended love

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Seungcheol stared at Jeonghan's back as the latter stood in the kitchen, cooking breakfast for both of them. A sick feeling settled in his stomach as he felt the familiar sensation creeping back into his chest—the feeling of falling out of love.

A lump formed in Seungcheol's throat as Jeonghan turned around with a smile, his hands filled with plates of pancakes for them both. How could Seungcheol even tell Jeonghan that he didn't love him anymore? That he didn't feel the same spark he used to? That he didn't feel the numerous butterflies in his stomach whenever he looked at Jeonghan now? That he had fallen out of love with him?

"Cheol? Why aren't you eating?" Jeonghan's question fell deaf into Seungcheol's ears as he stood up, removing the ring that used to sit on his finger and placing it on the dining table.

"I--I think we should stop, Hannie," Seungcheol muttered as he pushed the chair back, causing it to fall, and ran to their shared bedroom. A thud of a fork could be heard, but Seungcheol dismissed it as he closed the bedroom door.

Seungcheol fell to his knees, waiting for the tears to make their way out of his eyes, but all he felt was numb—the numb feeling he desperately tried to avoid.

Getting up, Seungcheol opened the closet, grabbed whatever clothes came into his hands, and wore them. He grabbed his car keys and phone and walked out of the room to see Jeonghan now sitting on the couch with his head buried between his legs, rocking himself a little.

Seungcheol gulped down the lump in his throat as he made his way towards the door. Why was this happening? One time he loved Jeonghan like there was no tomorrow, and now he couldn't bear to stand in the same room as him. Was this the love Seungcheol shared with Jeonghan? The one that fades away with time?

Seungcheol's car stopped at the river as he got out, the cloudy atmosphere matching his mood as he made his way to the edge of the bridge. Looking around, a chuckle escaped his mouth as he realized that he had come to the very place he had been trying so desperately to avoid. This was the place he had asked Jeonghan out.

"Everywhere I go, you are engraved there."

A shaky breath was heard from Seungcheol as he looked up at the raindrops slowly adorning him. The pitter-patter and clatter of the rain increased as it started to pour more heavily.



"What's your favorite season?"

"Hmm... rainy season..."

A tear rolled down Seungcheol's eyes as he didn't even bother to wipe it. Every fiber of Seungcheol was tainted by Jeonghan. He was someone Seungcheol couldn't run away from, no matter how hard he tried. A cold breeze followed, ruffling Seungcheol's black locks, just like Jeonghan would do whenever he wanted to tease him.

Seungcheol got up from there, his whole frame clouded in water as he made his way back to his car. He settled inside and took a deep breath, trying to wipe away the water from himself. His hands reached out to the trash can as he opened it to look for the small cloth he always kept in his car. Then he saw it—the hair tie which belonged to none other than Jeonghan.

"Cheol, wait! I left my hair tie inside..."

"Baby! Come back!"

Jeonghan stopped as he walked back to the car and saw Seungcheol open the trash can to reveal a set of hair ties.

"Omg, thank you so much, Cheollie."

Seungcheol's heart clenched with each passing moment as he drove aimlessly through the city, the weight of his decision pressing down on him like a suffocating blanket. Everywhere he looked, he saw reminders of Jeonghan—the coffee shop where they had their first date, the park bench where they shared their deepest secrets, the street corner where they laughed until tears streamed down their faces.

"No, eat yours!" Jeonghan whined as he pushed Seungcheol, who tried to bite into Jeonghan's ice cream once again.

"Just one bite," Seungcheol said as he took one more bite.

Jeonghan whined loudly as he pushed Seungcheol, who laughed at the latter. Their late-night ice cream date always ended up like this.

"Come back, I'll buy you one more."

"I don't want it."

At a traffic light, Seungcheol's gaze fell upon a man selling bouquets of roses on the sidewalk. He remembered how Jeonghan would always stop to buy a bouquet, insisting that they brightened up the man's day. Jeonghan's kindness and generosity had been like a beacon of light in Seungcheol's life, guiding him through even the darkest of times.

"Cheol, stop!" Jeonghan exclaimed, his voice filled with urgency.

"Baby, why?" Seungcheol questioned, turning to look at Jeonghan with furrowed brows.

"Let's buy flowers," Jeonghan gestured for the man to come closer. "I want all of these," he said with a smile, pointing to the array of blooms.

Seungcheol's confusion deepened. "So many flowers? Why? And aren't you allergic to tulips, baby?"

"It's okay. You see how he smiled?" Jeonghan replied, his eyes sparkling with compassion. "He gave us his blessing that we'll stay together forever."

A lump formed in Seungcheol's throat as he recalled the countless moments they had shared together—the late-night conversations, the lazy Sunday mornings, the stolen kisses in the moonlight. Each memory was etched into his mind like a bittersweet melody, a reminder of the love they had once shared.

"Hannie, just five more minutes," Seungcheol whined as he pulled Jeonghan towards himself.

"No! Wake up!" Jeonghan exclaimed and shrieked, pushing Seungcheol away as he tried to kiss the latter.

"You..." Seungcheol began, but was interrupted by a splash of water.

"Now get up!" Jeonghan laughed, running out of the room.

As Seungcheol continued to drive, his mind drifted back to the day they had first met. He remembered the way Jeonghan's smile had lit up the room, how his laughter had danced like music in the air. And now, that same smile felt like a distant memory, a ghost of what once was.

"Cheol, see a shooting star," Jeonghan said as he pulled Seungcheol onto the balcony.

Seungcheol chuckled as he watched his boyfriend quickly join his hand, whispering a wish for them.

"What did you wish for? More ice cream? Or more chocolate?"

"For us to stay together."

Tears blurred Seungcheol's vision as he pulled over to the side of the road, overwhelmed by the flood of emotions crashing over him like a tidal wave. He buried his face in his hands, unable to contain the anguish that consumed him.

"Hannie..." he whispered hoarsely, his voice cracking with emotion. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

But his words were lost to the wind, carried away on the currents of his despair. And as Seungcheol sat alone in his car, surrounded by the echoes of their shattered love, he knew that some wounds would never fully heal, that some scars would forever remain.




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