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"I do"

Jeonghan smiles at seungcheol as he moves forward to kiss him. There, he got married to his boyfriend of three years. Jeonghan and seungcheol have been dating each other for 3 years since thier University days and the first thing that they did is tying knots with eachother to stay together. Seungcheol smiles at Jeonghan as he hugs the latter tightly. Jeonghan is his now... finally. "I love you so much are mine" Jeonghan's eyes that are blinded by love, ignores the weird segment of seungcheol. The urge to control Jeonghan.

"Lets go home" Jeonghan and seungcheol drive to thier new home and Jeonghan can't be more than happy to have seungcheol as his life partner for the rest of his life. " are so beautiful" seungcheol praises as he pushes Jeonghan against the wall of thier new home. Jeonghan smiles in the kiss and wraps his arms around seungcheol kissing him back with love. Seungcheol is so sweet.

Everything is going sweet and balanced for the couple, Jeonghan and seungcheol wake up in eachother's arms, make love together and share kisses that mean everything to both of them. Untill that dreadful day...

"Why are you late han?" Jeonghan places his work bag on the table and looks at seungcheol who is sitting on the couch with his arms crossed and staring at the wall into of him... blankly. "There was a party at the office cheol.." Jeonghan says as he walks to sit beside seungcheol and wraps his arms around the latter who immediately smiles at him and embraces him in his arms. Being in love is okay...but being blind in it is not... Jeonghan ignores how seungcheol has slowly started to get possessive over him.

The way he would get irritated whenever Jeonghan would laugh out loud while looking at his phone. The way he would he would poke his cheeks whenever Jeonghan would not be paying attention to him. To Jeonghan...all of this was normal, he thought seungcheol is just being sulky over him. He thought if he gave seungcheol the attention he needed seungcheol would forget everything and accept him. He thought wrong.

Seungcheol looks at the clock and clicks his tongue annoyed. Jeonghan is late by 20 mins from his work. Where is he? What is he doing ? Is he with someone? Is he with that wen junhui who keeps on hitting on him despite knowing he is married? Is he at some office party again? Is he late? Is he still at office? Is he gonna be more late? When will he come? Is he run---

The door opens and Jeonghan walks in, seungcheol immediately turns his attention towards Jeonghan who has three big bags in his hands and he walks towards him, " are late again" seungcheol tries not to sound rude and angry but the frown on his face gives it off. Jeonghan nods as he places the bags on the floor and sighs heavily. "Yes cheollie....junhui took me for shopping even though I said no to him so many time" seungcheol feels his blood boil when he hears the name junhui and shopping in the same sentence.

Jeonghan and junhui went for shopping? Huh? The audacity...

" know I don't like you interacting with junhui" seungcheol says as he walks towards Jeonghan, towering over him. Jeonghan's face twisted in confusion as he looks at seungcheol. "What?" Jeonghan says. "Yes han, I don't like you and junhui being close to each other" Jeonghan nods his head and walks off to kitchen, leaving seungcheol alone at the door.

Soon the couple goes back to being lovey dovey and Jeonghan eventually forgets seungcheol's behaviour for that mere moment.


It's been half year since thier wedding now, Jeonghan has planned for thier anniversary party and has also decided to invite his friends and thier family over. Jeonghan did ask seungcheol before though. Seungcheol nods his head and said 'do whatever makes you happy '. Jeonghan grins widely and places a kiss on seungcheol's lips and he runs off to call his friends.

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