Art on Art

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"Hello cheollie!"

The bell rings as the person who is wearing a yellow pull up sweater and light blue denim jeans walks inside. Seungcheol looks up from his file of design and smiles when he sees Jeonghan walking inside. His left hand holding his chocolate shake and phone and his right hand having a grip over the bouquet of white roses. The same white roses that he has in his own shop. Jeonghan owns a flower shop which is right across seungcheol's tattoo booth and he never, never missed a day to go and greet seungcheol with his white bouquet.

Jeonghan says, 'white means peace, and whenever you are having a hard time with your clients just look at these and feel at peace' that's the reason he always comes by to drop those bouquet, going as far as placing them in the vase with water. Seungcheol takes the bouquet with himself to his apartment while closing the shop.

"Hello han"

Seungcheol closes his file and walks towards to Jeonghan who smiles at him and he places the bouquet inside the vase. Jeonghan than smiles at seungcheol before the bulky man embraces him in a hug. Seungcheol feels his mind going hazy whenever he inhales jeonghan's sweet scent. He just loves the younger male's presence so much.

"Did you have breakfast?" Jeonghan pulls back his arms wrapped around seungcheol's neck who shakes his head and burries his head inside Jeonghan's neck. Anyone who would see them will think that they are dating, but no, they are bestfriend. Bestest of bestfriends. Pfft! Jeonghan nods his head and pushes the chocolate shake into seungcheol's chest.

"Here, i grabbed something for you on the way here" Jeonghan says as he turns around to push seungcheol away from himself and walks towards the right towards the mirror. Seungcheol shakes his head and sips on Jeonghan's (now his) chocolate shake.

Jeonghan and his obsession for mirrors.

"Okay, I'm leaving. Wonwoo must be waiting for me" Jeonghan says as he fixed his hairs and walks out of the door. Seungcheol nods his head and mentally bids Jeonghan goodbye before walking up to his desk to check out the list of clients that will be coming in today. He sees that he has two more people than his daily crowd and decided to ring up mingyu, his co-worker slash bestfriend to help him with the client.

Seungcheol and mingyu have been together since thier highschool days, they were very invested in drawing arts since a very early age. Hence why both the teenager would sometimes pretend to draw people with markers and colour pens.

"Hello gyu? Can you come up today? We have more clients scheduled today"

Seungcheol sips own his shake occasionally while conversing. 'okay, I'm on my way' came the response from the other male on the other side and seungcheol cuts the call before walking to his desk to set the material up.


"Hm? Let me guess... seungcheol missed your hints again?"

Jeonghan opens the door to be greeted with his bestfriend, wonwoo with a spray bottle in his hand teasing him. Jeonghan groans as he makes his way inside the shop and drops himself on the reception table.

"I don't understand...why the hell is he so dense? Or does he not likes me?" Jeonghan rubs his face in frustration.

Wonwoo laughs at jeonghan before placing the spray bottle away and walks towards his bestfriend to confront him. It has been nearly three months since Jeonghan decided to gather his courage and drop hints for seungcheol, that he likes him. But seungcheol hasn't made any suspicious move over him. Jeonghan is starting to loose his confidence slowly now. What if seungcheol is annoyed by him? But he doesn't looks annoyed when he hugs me though...

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