Where it belongs

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"This is all we can find here!" With a resounding splash of water, Mingyu huffs as he clambers back onto the ship, his clothes drenched and clinging uncomfortably to his skin

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"This is all we can find here!" With a resounding splash of water, Mingyu huffs as he clambers back onto the ship, his clothes drenched and clinging uncomfortably to his skin. He hastily strips off his outer layers, only to be met with another wave of water, a meager attempt to quench his parched throat.

"This is getting ridiculous..." The gritted mutter of their captain reverberates across the deck, strong enough to corral the crew to one side, their eyes fixed on Seungcheol as he paces like a man possessed.

"You can't. It's literally a waste to stop and look for something—"

"Pull! Pull! Soonyoung has found something!" Jihoon's urgent cry pierces the air, prompting Seungcheol to abandon his restless pacing and sprint towards the commotion. The crew converges on the same spot, united in their efforts to haul Soonyoung and his discovery aboard.

"This shit is heavy!" The thunderous thud of the box startles them all as Soonyoung thrusts it towards the ship's interior before retreating back onto the deck.

"Did you find something?" Seungcheol inquires as he kneels beside the waterlogged box, its appearance resembling that of a treasure chest. However, Seungcheol harbors no illusions, knowing from experience that it likely contains nothing more than grasses and rare stones.

"What if it conceals a treasure?" Wonwoo questions as he seizes the hammer, striking the box with force, causing water to squeak out. "You should be careful, babe," his boyfriend's firm voice interjects, prompting Wonwoo to cast a sheepish smile towards Mingyu before cautiously delivering another blow, until finally, the wood yields with a satisfying crack.

"What's inside?" Soonyoung queries, while Jihoon stands behind him, decidedly unenthusiastic about the potential emergence of any sea creature. "It's okay, you're safe," Soonyoung reassures Jihoon, enveloping him in a protective embrace, drawing him closer to his chest.

"Did you all find something?" The voice of his twin brother made Soonyoung snap his neck back to see Hoshi emerging from one of the rooms on the deck. His hair was a wild dance in the wind, and a half-empty bottle of soju swung precariously in his hand as he hurried over.

"Are you drunk again?" Jihoon quipped, his tone a mixture of amusement and concern, earning a playful wink from Hoshi, who sauntered over and planted a soft kiss on Jihoon's cheek.

"Sorry, baby," Hoshi cooed, his attention shifting to Wonwoo, who was wrestling with a stubborn wooden box. The wood creaked ominously, threatening to bite anyone who dared to touch it again.

"Give it here," Soonyoung commanded, swooping in to snatch the hammer from Wonwoo's grasp. With a few swift strikes, the box surrendered, spilling its contents onto the deck in a cascade of water grass and pebbles.

"I told you it was a waste to even haul this stuff out of the water," Mingyu remarked, disdainfully nudging a few stray pebbles with his foot.

But Soonyoung's eyes sparkled with discovery as he uncovered small, glistening pearls nestled among the greenery. "Are those keshi?" Seungcheol leaned in, his curiosity piqued, his hand hovering tantalizingly close.

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