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"you look beautiful and ethereal as usual sweetheart"

Jeonghan laughs as seungcheol leans towards him to peck him on the cheeks and smiles pulling back. "Oh stop cheol---CHEOL!" Jeonghan feels his breath get stuck in his chest as he watches the huge truck come in front of thier car and seungcheol's grip over the steering loosens and trips as he turns to the left and a huge sound of crash was heard.

The impact of the crash sends Jeonghan and Seungcheol's car spinning out of control. Glass shatters, metal bends, and the airbags deploy, engulfing them in a cloud of white. Jeonghan's heart races as he struggles to catch his breath, his mind filled with a mix of fear and confusion.

As the car finally comes to a stop, Jeonghan's first instinct is to check on Seungcheol. He reaches out, his trembling hands finding Seungcheol's shoulder. "Cheol, are you okay?" he asks, his voice filled with worry.

Seungcheol groans in response, his body slumped against the seat. Blood trickles down his forehead from a gash caused by the impact. Jeonghan's heart sinks, panic gripping him tightly. He fumbles for his phone, dialing emergency services as quickly as his shaking hands allow.

Within minutes, the sound of sirens fills the air, and paramedics rush to the scene. Jeonghan watches with a mix of relief and anxiety as they carefully extract Seungcheol from the wreckage. They assure Jeonghan that they will do everything they can to help him.

As Seungcheol is loaded into the ambulance, Jeonghan climbs in beside him, holding his hand tightly. The paramedics work quickly, assessing Seungcheol's injuries and administering necessary treatment. Jeonghan's eyes never leave Seungcheol's face, his heart aching with worry.

At the hospital, Jeonghan waits anxiously as doctors and nurses tend to Seungcheol's injuries. Hours pass, and Jeonghan's mind is filled with a whirlwind of emotions. He prays silently, hoping for Seungcheol's swift recovery.

Finally after what seems like a eternity the doctor steps out of the ER and Jeonghan flees to his feet and goes towards them. "Doctor, h-how is he? My-my cheol--he--" Jeonghan questions as his rosy cheeks get damped with tears and minghao and jun tries to calm thier friend down. "Im so sorry to say but he couldn't make it--"

"NO! no, dont-t say that--please--" Jeonghan stumbles back into jun's arms who clutches him as the tears escaped his eyes softly. "Please control yourself" The doctor says before walking away from them and the three of them are left alone at the door of ER with thier friend laying lifeless inside.

"Hyung, he is gone. Control yourself please" minghao says as he hugs Jeonghan to calm him down who kept staring at the ER door with blank stare.

Hours passes away and Jeonghan is taken back home, days passes away as seungcheol's funeral is arranged. Seungcheol's parents were present too comforting Jeonghan as the pretty male just kept staring at his fiance's photo without shedding a single tear. Days turns into weeks as suddenly it's been a month since seungcheol's death.

Jeonghan has become life to say the less, he wouldn't eat, drink unless he is forced or threatened too. He would just keep staring in a void space and keep quiet. Wouldn't even complain about anything. Minghao and jun had been more than worried to find thier big brother, thier hyung so devasted.

They tried everything they could think of to bring Jeonghan back to life, but nothing seemed to work. They took him to therapists and doctors, hoping they could help him heal, but Jeonghan remained distant and unresponsive.

Minghao and Jun took turns staying with Jeonghan, never leaving his side. They would talk to him, share stories, and try to make him laugh, but Jeonghan would just give them a small smile before retreating back into his own world.

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