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Warning : cross dressing


"They are capturing the ground again Jeonghan!"

Jeonghan puts his blush brush down and turns around to look at his bestfriend who is panting now. Jisoo stands up straight as he walks towards Jeonghan and grabs his lip balm, causing Jeonghan to hit him on his back as he gets up to straight his clothes and dust it off.


"Who else? The basket ball players" jisoo smacks his lips and places the lipbalm back on jeonghan's desk and walks towards him. Jeonghan makes his way towards the window of the classroom and looks at the ground, the basket ball ground that they are supposed to practice on today.

Jeonghan frowns as he looks at the tall built boys streching on the ground, most probably getting ready to start the game.

"Call everyone, we are going start practicing" see, Jeonghan is the captain of the cheerleading team of thier University. He has been leading his team since last three years without any mistakes, they are one of the best performer of thier area. Not only they hold the first position for thier performance but the beauty of the boys who are in the cheerleading team does earns them some bonus points.

Today has been thier day of practicing on the basket ball court. You see, even after being on such a high class reputation thier University can't afford to built one more ground for thier students since they don't have much place. Hence the students having to adjust on the court itself. Jeonghan certainly has no problems with that, the problem arises when someone else -more specific the basket ball team players- captures the ground when it is thier practice time according to the schedule.

No one, no one other than the basket ball team does that and Jeonghan knows very well who that is. Choi Seungcheol, the captain of the basket ball team, always annoying the core out of Jeonghan. He is the only one who can convince his whole team to practice on the basket ball court even when it's not thier day to practice. Jeonghan hates it. He hates when others try to overpower him. Seungcheol no doubt being an exception for that. He always tries to get under Jeonghan's skin, smirking at him in the corridors or throwing paper planes during lectures or whistles and howling when Jeonghan and his group passes from his group or tapping his ass when present in the assembly. Jeonghan dispises seungcheol.


Jeonghan looks up to find seungkwan and minghao, one of his teammates and waves at them signalling to join them. Seungkwan and minghao jogs towards him as they high five to jisoo and makes thier way towards the basket ball court.

"Seungcheol is so going get a piece of my mind today, that asshole" Jeonghan says in annoyance as he pushes open the door for the field, causing everyone on the court to stop thier work and turn thier attention towards the cheerleaders. Jeonghan looks around to find seungcheol, than his eyes falls on seungcheol and mingyu who are on the ground most probably doing a push up challenge.

"What is this choi?" Jeonghan says as walks towards seungcheol who pushes himself from the plank position to stand straight.

"This is the basket ball court sweetheart" seungcheol winks towards as he grabs the towel from mingyu to wipe his sweat.

"I know that you dick-head, but today is our practice day"

"We have a match day after tomorrow" mingyu answers instead of seungcheol.

"So? How is that even supposed to concern us?" Jisoo walks forward to mingyu as he raises his left brow to him, mingyu shrugs as he gestures towards seungcheol.

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